Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
If the opposing team has very little Magic damage spirit visage wouldn't be worth it.

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
If the opposing team has very little Magic damage spirit visage wouldn't be worth it.

Spirit Visage is still worth it if the enemy team has little to no magic damage, this is due to the other 2 very important components of the item; CDR and Increased Healing. Its Gooby's best cdr item, doesn't waste any stats and has a really good build path. In AD heavy teams you just pick up the kindlegem then build sunfire cape and randuins then finish the SV when you have absurd amounts of health and armor.

Gonna be spamming Nasus ranked, I feel like my best role is being a sponge in teamfights and Nasus compliments that nicely. I get to build tank and still be a threat.
Last edited by j4nd0; Mar 17, 2013 at 01:46 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA

Nasus is amazing o3o

Last edited by j4nd0; Mar 17, 2013 at 04:17 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA

Nasus is just too gud. Doesn't matter if i go 0/3 lane, I'm just that good. Back in Silver I and now even after my terrible losing streak that me put at -7

I'm now 5-0 with this sexy beast of a dog.

With all this talk about Nasus, I would like to hear you guys input on Spirit of the Elder Lizard (the jungle item) on top lane Nasus. The guide that I'm following can be found here and the guy who made is Diamond V.

I so happeh that I found the champion the perfectly fits my playstyle.


On another entirely new discovery, I found out the best way to communicate with my team and need to note it so I do not forget it. Because Nasus has such amazing growth throughout the game, it doesn't really matter if I die in lane. But when I do die or make a huge fuck up and my team ragers at me, I just calmly tell them that it was my fault and apologize. For example; Zed came top for a counter-gank and it became brutal as Cho (enemy top laner) and Rammus (enemy jungler) were tearing us apart. Zed manages to kill Rammus as Cho is weakening both Zed and I, I ran away, scared from being feasted while Zed being manly takes on the beast (Cho). He gets feasted as Lux (My mid laner) teleports in and we get the kill on Chogath.

Zed then goes on saying "I suck dick" and "that is the last time that I come top lane". In response, I retort "I am sorry Zed, I do like the sucking of the cock, but thank you for cumming top anyway". Afterwards during the late stages of laning phase, Zed then came and ganked top a good 3 - 5 times, even got the top tower after one of them. I also predominately said to buy MR due to the enemies' team heavy magic damage team. Twas a good game. So yea, never fret, for dog is god.

On a final note, I've found that banning Elise, MF and Xin are vital in silver games. No one can dodge elises stun, every enemy MF bot lane wins hard and snowball and xins ganks anywhere are horrifying. The enemy team usually bans blitz, shen and malph so games are pretty set.

Who do guys ban when captain?
Last edited by j4nd0; Mar 17, 2013 at 06:02 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
Laugh at me but I'd ban taric because he's simply broken right now.

and xin because he's bullshit.

I ban xin a lot. Taric is very strong, I'm just not really scared enough of him to ever ban him.

My bans will be 3 of the following group, depending on what I plan on picking: Kayle, xin, vi, j4, amumu, thresh, blitzcrank (if I'm not bot and team is begging for it), kat and tf.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; Mar 17, 2013 at 07:54 PM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
Laugh at me but I'd ban taric because he's simply broken right now.

and xin because he's bullshit.

taric and Xin are really strong bans, so why not?

I'd probably ban Jarvan because of his ganks, other then that, I don't have any specifics and ban what's needed
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I ban xin a lot. Taric is very strong, I'm just not really scared enough of him to ever ban him.

My bans will be 3 of the following group, depending on what I plan on picking: Kayle, xin, vi, j4, amumu, thresh, blitzcrank (if I'm not bot and team is begging for it), kat and tf.

I ban taric not because I'm scared of him, but I fear that my bot would fuck up (or whereever taric'll go).

Also, I never found the perfect champ for me, I just play champs often when I buy then and then stop kinda playing them.