Originally Posted by MrKotik View Post
Guys, there is no such word as "borns" in english language...
And i wanna left you. Sorry, but i see no reason to stay.

ahahahah sorry guys for the /invasion but when I seen this I couldn't stop laughing, that's ridicolous ahahahhah
I don't think there is such a word as borns but when he did a BIG grammatical error right after saying that it just made me laugh

also goodluck with this clan and if you want you can talk in italian if you get so many italians to make an italian clan, also it depends, when it isn't an important thing you can just talk italian because I know that alot of members here just don't speak it that well (*cough*PeZ4e*cough*) :P

cya ingame

thx kingdrake

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_::Best clan in the ocean::_
Originally Posted by MrKotik View Post
Guys, there is no such word as "borns" in english language...
And i wanna left you. Sorry, but i see no reason to stay.

Well kotik now i write right Born to kill ^^
Thanks to king for showed me the little mistake =)
no problem I wanted more to show his mistake, not yours

i dont speak English well, yeah. But i speak Russian as good as you speak English. I don't see anything funny anyway.
There must be "leave" not "left" of course
Last edited by MrKotik; Sep 15, 2009 at 06:56 AM.