Original Post
Local Moderator Applications
Hi everyone!

This where you can apply to moderate a specific board. Go ahead and post your applications right here in the thread. You can apply for any board in General or Toribash forums. No market boards, no clan boards, no elerk.


That said,


Local Moderator Application

Please answer all questions as truthfully as possible, in your best English. We will ignore any applications that were obviously not well thought-out or taken seriously.

1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.


If you'd like to vouch for an applicant, feel free to PM me with your comments or recommendations regarding them. If I receive PMs that are obviously spam OR multiaccounting, they will be ignored and the applicant may be turned down. This part of the process will end when we decide, but you can count on it being up for at least a week.

Thanks and good luck!
Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:08 PM.
MrTeapawt's Moderator Application
Note that I took like an hour to make this application, heh.

1. How old are you? 13 in 2 months. (Don't say I'm too 'childish' just because of my age. Most of you know how I act.)

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? Since October of 2009.
2. b.) How long have you been active on the forums? I was active from October '09 - March '10, but now that my school has been spamming me homework via E-Mail, I haven't been able to log on as often.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? EST (GMT -5)
3. b.) At what times of day are you generally active? After school, which is around 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? Few hours, depending on the day.

5. Which board would you like to moderate? The "Toribash" Section. I feel right for Beginner Sanctuary.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I'm the typical, friendly, 12 year old. I know how to act when the time comes, I pretty much know most of the answers to people's questions, and I know a lot about Toribash.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so,
a.) What were your responsibilities - Basic moderating, such as deleting threads that were nonspecific, infracting, banning, ect.
b.) How well do you think you did your job - Excellent; the members loved me.
c.) If you left, why did you do so? The owner decided to close down the server and forums. (As this was a GTA: SA-MP server that I was Lead Admin on)
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Age: I am 21, and I am going to be 22 in July.

How long have you been playing Toribash? Since November of ’07, but I bought this account so the join date is messed up.

How long have you been active on the forums? Since December of ’08, so I am going on 2 years.

Timezone: -5 GMT. I go by EST.

At what times of day are you generally active?: Anytime, usually 5:00GMT to 12:00GMT. I go on all day, but those are the times you will most likely catch me. I am on late at night, early in the morning, whenever I am needed.

How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?: 4-12 hours, though I usually don’t spend 12 hours. I have though on multiple occasions, so I have included that in my range of activity. On average I spend around 6 hours most days.

Which board would you like to moderate?: Events board (Design Events, etc). I also wouldn't mind moderating Suggestions and Tutorials or even the Art board, as I enjoy browsing those boards and helping people when I can.

Why are you interested in moderating said board?: I feel I have the necessary skills to comply with the task at hand. It would give me a sense of responsibility, and make me feel like a compliant member of the Toribash Community.

Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? Yes, and for quite a while.

What were your responsibilities?: I was a moderator and leader for the clan Marine Force Recon (I founded the clan), and for a while I had to be the sole leader/ moderator because of the other leaders being either inactive/ passive. I changed what the members of [MFR] wanted changed (such as the roster, our art, etc) and updated the necessary. I also removed any silly, unnecessary posts or threads the members made.

How well do you think you did your job: I did my job above and beyond what was expected, and there are people in [MFR] that can attest to that.

If you left, why did you do so?: I left because the first few people that made up [MFR] left, and I felt like I was in a clan full of people I was never fully close to. I wanted a friendly clan, not just one that I had to stick to because I made it. Don’t get me wrong, there are some nice people in [MFR], so I left the clan in their capable hands.

Extra: I thought I would add a little ‘blurb’ about myself here. I am funny, friendly, and easily adaptable. I like soccer, and am a patriotic Greek man who lives in the USA. I am easy-going, and strict at the same time. I can lay down the law in a calm manner, and will keep people happy and respectful. My rather cheery demeanor may be able to turn forum offenders into law-abiders. If I make it for the tutorials borad, I can even help out people when no one else can.
Last edited by friends448; Apr 7, 2010 at 06:54 PM.
"I heard a good song on pornhub" -[Ethr]MrBoXMan
Triple X Rated [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
1. How old are you? 13

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? Almost 2 years.
b.) How long have you been active on the forums? September '08

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? Central/GMT -6
b.) At what times of day are you generally active? 4:00pm- 11:00pm (on and off)

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? 1.5 hours total searching (not idle)

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Gaming

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
Because I love most games, all genres and Would like to be a bigger part of that board.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? Yes.
a.) What were your responsibilities, Leading Soul Clan
b.) How well do you think you did your job, Pretty good, I had a good amount of clan members here and there.
c.) If you left, why did you do so? Because at the time I was really busy and starting losing members. When I lost all, I quit the clan.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I would take this very serious, most of my infractions/bans (which I apologize for) are way back.

EDIT: forgot about Soul Clan.
Hmm, General art is gone, too bad. Changed to gaming.
Last edited by SecondSoul; Apr 7, 2010 at 03:25 PM.
1. How old are you? 16 on october 3rd.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? Since my join date, [2-28-09].
b.) How long have you been active on the forums? Since march of 09.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? GMT -6
b.) At what times of day are you generally active? Usually between 11: 30 am to 1: 30 pm. Also at night between 7 pm and 10 pm.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? Too much. about 2-3 hours

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Suggestions

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? Because so many terrible suggestions. I also want to fix everyone's grammar on the boards up.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, Grammar fixer, Overall board supervisor for HoLy, Co-Leader.
b.) How well do you think you did your job, Pretty well considering I didn't get replaced.
and c.) If you left, why did you do so? N/A

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.
Last edited by JesseBean; Apr 14, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
1. How old are you?
I am 20 years old.

a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
I have been playing since July 2007 approximately. (2 years 10 months)

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
I have been active on the forums from August 2007 up to February of 2009 where I took a break for college studies and I resumed activity in November of 2009 until present.

a.) What timezone do you live in?
I am in -8 Pacific Standard Time (California)

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
I am active usually around 5-9pm my time all days of the week.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
I usually spend around 30 minutes-1 hour depending on the activities I am performing on the forums.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I am applying to be a moderator solely for the discussion board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I enjoy attributing to said board, and I would like to contribute further to it by being able to "tidy up" the board.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users?

a.) What were your responsibilities?
I was a moderator for the clans Triforce and wHo.

b.) How well do you think you did your job?
I believe that I performed my job to the fullest of my abilities.

c.) If you left, why did you do so?
Triforce: This was the time when I quit for studies in February 2009.
wHo: The clan died so I was forced to relinquish my power.

If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
Originally Posted by Castra View Post
1. How old are you?
I'm currently at 13 years of age, turning 14 on the 1st of January.

a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
I have been playing Toribash since 06-15-2008.

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
I have been active on the forums for more than 1 and a half years.

a.) What timezone do you live in?
GMT+0 (London time).

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
Almost all day, except 10pm through to 7-8am.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
Around 4-6 hours, depending on the occasion.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
The Rapid Discussion Board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
It seems to be a very active board, and, with the time that I currently spend on the forums, I think I could be a great deal of help.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so,
a.) What were your responsibilities?
My responsibilities were to control and befriend my clan members, since they are active, I think my current responsibilities could be stretched to fit the Rapid Discussion board.
I also had to move/merge/close threads and posts alike.

b.) How well do you think you did your job?
I think I have done it very well so far, because my members seem to be cheerful and willing to do what I say.

c.) If you left, why did you do so?
I haven't left my responsibilities behind and won't do so.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Since 06-15-2008, I have progressed a lot in the ways of communicating and supervising.
By moderating the Rapid Discussion board, I could take my responsibilities one leap further and help even more people and to keep the rules in order.

Thank you for your time.

EDITED: Changed board.
| tom |
Originally Posted by F1ster View Post
1. How old are you? I'm 12, soon to be 13. (do not let my age determine what you think of me)

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums? As of now, 1 year. This is my alternate account by the way. My main is fistfury.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active? I do not know my timezone, but I live in memphis, Tennessee which is central I believe. I'm active on school days from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm. And weekends all day.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
As long as I'm awake or at home. I'd say 6+ hours.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

Any board that needs some assistance, or whichever you think I'd do best in. I'm not going to be picky and will be glad with what I receive.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I just want to keep things nice, organized, and most of all rule-friendly. I will moderate whenever possible (which is almost all the time)

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

No, I have never moderated any boards on the toribash forums or any other forum.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.

Being 12 does not mean I'm an immature person. Please take this into condiseration when deciding/choosing who will moderate.

Thank you for reading this application, and have a good day.

~ F1ster (A.K.A Fistfury)

I am just posting here to let you know F1ster is this account.

Thank you in advance
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
1. How old are you?: 13

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?: 1 year and 2 months. I am active at forums, on the scale of ten, I am at 8.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?: GMT+2 and I could not be very active from Monday untill Friday, but I check the boards every day.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?: At weekends, 3-4 hours. Every day, from 15-30 minutes.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?: Support, Organisations.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?: I would like to help people that asking for help, and make everyone follow the rules.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?: A little help in the clan boards, and support board. a) My responsibilities are
Originally Posted by Orfeas
I would like to help people that asking for help, and make everyone follow the rules.

b) I am learning things, and I have helped people in the past. c) I left the Support board, because I saw that there are more people which know better such as SlipAnc and SkulFuk.
1. 15, Turning 16 in August

2. a.) I've been playing Toribash since early 2009 b.) I'd say about 1 month after I joined.

3. a.) Eastern Standard Time -5 b.) Usally after school hours. I can be active around 3:00PM to 11:00PM. The weekend I can be active just about anytime.

4. I spend around 5-6 hours a day checking up on the fourms.

5. I would like to moderate the Rapid Threads or the Begginer Sanctuary.

6. I am interested in moderating those boards becuase I would like to help anybody as much as possible. I like to try to help new memebrs more than everybody else.

7. No I haven't. But I ran alittle forum of my own and I got the basics down.

8. I don't know where to start but he I go. I'm a really friendly guy. I try to help everybody the best of my ability. I know two languages so I could help members that speak another language. I would be responsible with my power and not abuse my powers. Thanks for the chance. Ed.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

I`m 15 years old(16 in December)

I have been playing Toribash for 2 years now.
Well since i did not really know about the forum until half a year after i started visiting the forum about 1 1/2 year ago.

Timezone GMT +2
i`m active usually 16:00 - 19:00

I usually look through the forum when i`m waiting for my turn.

I would like to moderate the Third Party Board in the modding section

Because i have always been interested in 3rd party apps, its fascinating to look what people can program and make.
and in general i would like to learn to program in the future, so i think it would be a + for my future development as a programer(don`t laugh Blam & Junt)

i am a moderator on various websites such as, The GWC Steam Page. also i am a moderator on the GWC Server.
im a moderator on Kaiico`s Live gaming channel(
i have also been a admin on 1337peen server on ZM(the most popular server)

My responsibility was to keep the server nice and ban/kick people that was ruining the fun or spamming the microphone.
Well there was never a sad moment on that server, never been on the GWC either

to be completely honest with you all, i was banned from the server, i came to the mental tough that i was above the non admin players, i learned from my mistake and it will not repeat.

anything to add: My infraction list may be long, but i learned form it every time.
Helge Sverre - System Developer