Original Post
Clan League 2011 (over)

Clans have fought long and hard this year to label themselves the best clan in toribash. Every year clans rise and fall trying to become the best and most well known clan. Here's your chance for your clan to put the label of the best on you! With great prizes and fame. The Clan Event Team present to you the Clan league!
Apps have already been received and sorted and no more will be accepted.

To set up a match, your clan leader or representative must pm the opposing clan leader and come up with a time for a fight that works best for both clans.
After this, you will send a pm to me(Gum) and I will arrange for a CET member to be there to host the match.
You must give the clan a 2 day notice after challenging. And give the time you wish to fight. (With gmt)
You must have 5 members of your team at each battle. All 5 will play at least one match.
The battles will be first to 5 wins.

All battles must have a CET hoster watching.
All battles may only begin when all players are present along with the host.
Each round will have an assigned mod. This mod will be announced to the clans when they are notified of their opponent for that round.




After making the room

If the opposing clan does not show in 30 minutes, they are disqualified from that round.
Find the Hoster to help you setup the battles.
Last edited by Uric; Oct 29, 2012 at 06:52 PM. Reason: over
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
What would the mod be for round 5 in the lower bracket?

If you just had TK, then probably lenshu3.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
If you just had TK, then probably lenshu3.

would that be with grab or without?
wishful eyes deceive me
Are we advanced directly to the next round versus Latin or what?
I can't find anywhere the results of the war Piratez VS Secret
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
RAWR vs T 5 - 2 (RAWR won if that wasn't clear enough)
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
finals, here we come!

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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