Drill v2 - One of my favourite replays by you, and one of my favourite replays overall.
Liked the opener, and the spin before you kicked the arm was quick and really smooth. Everything up to about 250 was absolutely amazing. That roll was fucking hnng
Everything after 250 was still really good, but it was a little twitchy. The dms were really nice as usual. Skeet was a skeet.

lawdy lawd that was good
It's a really good replay ;o.
You were in some odd positions at times but it was great. good job.
I really like how you kept the same speed throughout most of the replay.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog

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Last edited by DatSkip; Feb 16, 2014 at 07:55 AM.
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Excellent work.

Possible improvements: you could have held your elbows in the pose as soon as they reached the contracted position, to stop it from looking sloppy/floppy.

Also you could have easily done a skeet from your pose to Dm Uke's abs.
opener was slow, dont like how you changed your rotation, your lumbar also looked kinda weird, u were like a snake.

the transition to your foot was gross, your arms were the worst part of it. the way your left arm contracted, raised, then lowered ;\

cant really say anything about the dms. they were very close and cluttered.
