Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Need to answer this thread directly with the OP in mind to clear my conscience and feel like I don't need to reply here anymore. I failed to do so before.

No, responding to the original OP, you absolutely shouldn't ostracize Obese people. You have absolutely no clue what's going on with them, and at first glance you could seriously be so wrong about what you think it's not even funny.

Take for instance, this example:

Now wipe the tears out of your eyes and realize that if you saw this man during his training, you'd probably think what a sack of fat nothing. HOW DARE HE BE SO FAT. When in all honesty he was probably doing more for his body and doing more mentally tolling things to become fit than you will ever have to.

That being said, MOST obese people have made terrible nutritional decisions that led them to their bodyfat. Part of that's because... we have... the most terrible public nutrition taught to us when were kids. 7th, 8th grade, maybe freshmen year of high school what'd ya learn? Milk has Vitamin D and strong bones, protein builds muscle, take a multivitamin, eat fruits and vegitables? Wow how useful. They think there's "junk food", that eating ice cream is a terrible thing.

Well. You're wrong. Everything is fine if it fits in your macros, IIFIYM, a super common phrase among body builders.

This is a friend of mine. Wasn't naturally big, just worked hard. He was cutting his bodyfat, getting shreded, and man if you saw how many poptarts and flavors of Ben & Jerries he tried getting there, you'd think he'd be diabetic.

Teach kids what they're putting into their body. Let them know that carbs and protein are 4kcals a gram, that fat is 9, and alcohol is 7. We care so much about medicine and supplements, but there's nothing more anabolic for a kid to grow then some good high quality CHICKEN! Just like technology, when the kids come home, they teach their parents. It was the kids who taught mom and dad how the internet works, and how their cellphone works, lets have kids say "Hey mom, let's cook some pot roast" rather than mom saying "Hey, were going out, when were on our way back we'll pick you up some Burger King". Because parents can be gigantic enablers of the problem. AND EAT FAST FOODS. DRINK SODA. Eat fucking ice cream. Just be responsible. Estimate what you're maintenance calories are, and most days eat at that level. Count your calories, its so freaking simple when you have free websites and apps like Myfitnesspal.

That's what we need.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Aug 14, 2013 at 09:49 AM.
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Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
According to his BMI of 30.4, he was obese.

I think you're missing what I'm trying to say the same way hxc is, so I'll quote my reply to him:

Well, you can't assume people are doing nothing, but you can't assume they are doing something either.

It would be great if obesity could be cured just with disgusted glances, but it's not really going to help. At the same time obese people need to realize they have a problem and that it can be fixed.

Pro-fat and fat-acceptance media is a problem.
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Eating McDonalds is more attractive than eating healthy.

most idiotic argument ever.

for example: when i'm extremely hungry after work, and it's a long walk from where i work to where i live, i grab some fastfood junk.

you know how much? 2 cheseburgers and i eat them while i go home so when i will get there, so my stomach would not scream: "FEED ME NOW", but i will have some time to cook.

and i don't eat like a hog at home eather.

all it takes is knowing fucking measure when enough is enough. don't jump on here pretending to be a some sort of white knight. there are NO excuses for obesity except extreme medical condition.

it's eather lack of will, or gluttony, or both.
Last edited by snob; Aug 14, 2013 at 03:32 PM.
all it takes is knowing fucking measure when enough is enough. don't jump on here pretending to be a some sort of white knight. there are NO excuses for obesity except extreme medical condition.

it's eather lack of will, or gluttony, or both.

Hmmmm... You say this because you know how/why/what. You're educated about it so you know what to do and what not to do to keep a healthy body.

This is most likely not the case for everyone. Most people are brainwashed by TV, on which you see advertisement for fast food chains, pre-cooked indutrial food brands, candies and junk food etc... companies that can afford TV advertisement.
You won't see healthy locally growing food ads and campaigns telling people not to eat shitty stuff you see on the TV ads coming just after.

Obesity is a societal issue, it's in big part caused by our actual laxity toward industry. We esteem it's okay to advertise and sell unhealthy shit for the sake of the guy's company income, and then we blame consumers for being what they're expected to be : fat and stupid.

Sure someone's will have to do with his health, but the environment he grows in and his education probably have more impact.
Last edited by deprav; Aug 14, 2013 at 04:11 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Hmmmm... You say this because you know how/why/what. You're educated about it so you know what to do and what not to do to keep a healthy body.

This is most likely not the case for everyone. Most people are brainwashed by TV, on which you see advertisement for fast food chains, pre-cooked indutrial food brands, candies and junk food etc... companies that can afford TV advertisement.
You won't see healthy locally growing food ads and campaigns telling people not to eat shitty stuff you see on the TV ads coming just after.

Obesity is a societal issue, it's in big part caused by our actual laxity toward industry. We esteem it's okay to advertise and sell unhealthy shit for the sake of the guy's company income, and then we blame consumers for being what they're expected to be : fat and stupid.

Sure someone's will have to do with his health, but the environment he grows in and his education probably have more impact.

i'm completely uneducated on food. all i know is that junk food fuck you up.

fast food is not a source of daily meal and it's not supposed to be. if people fail to understand it - thats their problem.

so i use it precisely for it's purpose: to get fast food. something to throw into myself when there are no alternatives (for example cafeteria at workplace is closed) and keep working/going home.

why? cheaper & more healthy.

spending 10 minutes at kitchen to roast minced meat and 2 minutes more to throw some buckwheat on pan and add water to oil that left from roasting minced meat.

fucking quick, fucking cheap, fucking healthy.
i'm completely uneducated on food. all i know is that junk food fuck you up.

Well, some people don't even know this, and some can't say what is junk food and what isn't.

fast food is not a source of daily meal and it's not supposed to be. if people fail to understand it - thats their problem.

It's not only fast foods, it's any industrial food you can buy in supermarkets, food under plastic.

Even at home, some people prefer throwing nuggets to the pan and insta-pasta to the microwave, or pre-cooked shit to the microwave, instead of taking good products and spend 10-15 minutes preparing it. They think it's "home food" so it's okay, it's not fast-food so that's probably not junk food. They're wrong.

The ideal would be to buy vegies, fruits and cereals on the market, meat at the butcher's place, bread at the bakery etc... but people go to supermarkets and buy easy shit and probably have no clue about how bad it is.

You think you're uneducated about food, but I think you don't realize what being really uneducated is. ;o
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Well, some people don't even know this, and some can't say what is junk food and what isn't.

It's not only fast foods, it's any industrial food you can buy in supermarkets, food under plastic.

Even at home, some people prefer throwing nuggets to the pan and insta-pasta to the microwave, or pre-cooked shit to the microwave, instead of taking good products and spend 10-15 minutes preparing it. They think it's "home food" so it's okay, it's not fast-food so that's probably not junk food. They're wrong.

The ideal would be to buy vegies, fruits and cereals on the market, meat at the butcher's place, bread at the bakery etc... but people go to supermarkets and buy easy shit and probably have no clue about how bad it is.

You think you're uneducated about food, but I think you don't realize what being really uneducated is. ;o

I agree with your post completely, deprav.
It's not just the "fast food" that's being sold off by fast food chains. It's all the processed food, the premade meals, the microwave stuff, premade oven pizzas.
...Those aren't healthy either.
f=m*a syens
Obesity isnt a problem, if you purposely get fatter and fatter just for a title or something you can die. There's a difference between fat and obese. But don't judge them. But DO judge women who show off there fat on YouTube –_–

Arglax Moderated Message:
"Obesity isnt a problem"

Add content to this or your post will be deleted. I'll give you a day.
Last edited by Arglax; Aug 17, 2013 at 07:28 PM.
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