Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I can understand why you wouldn't like her. Her ult is just entirely out of place. Cheese adc, but a strong one in the right hands.

My brother loves her, he won a 1v2 lane as her a couple days ago.

ANYWAYS, just got ranked. I am Silver IV
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I can understand why you wouldn't like her. Her ult is just entirely out of place. Cheese adc, but a strong one in the right hands.

i wont disagree with that, every champ is strong in the right hands.
but for me she isnt a good adc at all. may the lack of items which are good on her or just of the fucked up ult :/
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My go to support recently has been nami, she feels absurdly strong. Dare I say it, she feels like a better version of sona.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
I like nami more than I do sona, Although I feel sona's ult is alot better for some reason, I think because it's easier to catch the other team with it :P ( in my opinion anyway)
♥ mushu♥
Originally Posted by xTheMistx View Post
I like nami more than I do sona, Although I feel sona's ult is alot better for some reason, I think because it's easier to catch the other team with it :P ( in my opinion anyway)

I like sona more than nami.

Sona's ult is one of my favorite ults in the league.
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
My go to support recently has been nami, she feels absurdly strong. Dare I say it, she feels like a better version of sona.

Nami is completely underrated right now. Her Q is bonkers considering it's early (and low cd and cheap) aoe knockup, she has a possibly double damage heal or double heal damage spell, and an adc steroid + slow. Along with that ult. Which I'm still annoyed it can be cancelled because of that freakishly long channel time, but it's a long range aoe slow and knockup. AND her passive, which makes her ult give your team both positioning advantage, and slow the enemy team.

However, she's squish, but she more than makes up for it with the utility and cc she provides.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
My go to support recently has been nami, she feels absurdly strong. Dare I say it, she feels like a better version of sona.

Nami shit, Sona best.

Big boobs>little boobs

Sona is easier to play too, she doesn't require skill.
Well Varus is my new Quinn. Went 3-0 with Quinn, thought it was genius but after the 3 loses I just picked OP EU ADC and now I'm 2-0. I'll do more ranked games tomorrow to see if Varus is my Golden Key out of...Gold.

Also, 69 LP hhhehehe

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Actually I personally really like Nami, but I still think Sona is best, simply because the more abilities you can get out as a support the more effective you are and simply put, Nami's cooldowns are higher. Sona also has obscene burst even after all the nerfs.