Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Sure, I just bought Poppy with my IP today and GOD SHE PWNS, well when she gets good gear she pwns ^^

If u rather me be a support class i'd be happy to : )

If you build her AP I'll punch you in the dick. Have fun being useless after you blow your combo

I'll be over here with my trinity force + infinity edge poppy, 2 hitting their carry, and then continuing to rape anyone in my vicinity.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
What's UI? Sorry for not knowing. :/

I didn't really like Poppy, or really know about her, but the one that fits my type really well is fiddlesticks. LOVE THAT GUY, really cheap too.

I'm really looking forward to buying Maokai, he seems like a great champion to use, hopefully next week he'll be a free champion. How much does he cost IP and RP?
The store's down last time I saw (one hour ago) and it won't show prices or anything of Maokai.

The store's still down :<
Anwyway, apparently I can't play Tristana. 0/10/2 :<
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
The store's still down :<
Anwyway, apparently I can't play Tristana. 0/10/2 :<

How do you feed as one of the carries with strong escape abilities :|
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
How do you feed as one of the carries with strong escape abilities :|

You've obviously never done solo ranked, I've seen people feed with ez, kass, trist, corki, pretty much everyone.

On a good note, it seems like they are buffing the IP received in the next few hours, which is nice
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
How do you feed as one of the carries with strong escape abilities :|

Mostly because I suck.
On a happier note, 4/4/4 with nunu.
EDIT: My bad, 2/4/4. :3
Last edited by fat0ninja; Feb 17, 2011 at 09:14 AM.
I hate bad players in this game more than I hate any other people on the internet.

My name on LoL is Brokroma, I've been playing since a week after closed beta, so... 1.5 years now or some shit, I guess.

If you invite me to a game and do poorly, I will not speak to you as a friend. I've got over 80 smurf accounts, if pre-30s want to smash some scrub face with me.

And if any of you care, here's my bi-annual rant I do on this topic:

Nerfing CDR is probably the fucking stupidest way Riot could've gone about trying to curb their mage push into the current meta. Seriously, it's like giving delicious candies to a little kid, and then next week, breaking all their teeth with a 2x4.

Anivia needed the mana nerf, but man was it a hard nerf. Anyone who takes blue buff from Anivia at any point past laning phase is a fucking ignorant shit, and should uninstall their client. And I don't even play Anivia.

Maokai's ult fucking sucks, but his bomb wards are pretty damn legit early to mid game. Serious damage around level 12. Expect an increase to ult's mana cost, and an increase of damage reflected to opponents. I don't care what Phreak says, in practice, right now, Maokai's ult is garbage shit.

Morello's Cursed Tome is... weird. It smells like Haunting Guise, and that item didn't really do anything much for the game. But what do I know, maybe it'll push the AP carry meta even farther.

Kassadin is going to be the new top AP carry.

Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Morello's Cursed Tome is... weird. It smells like Haunting Guise, and that item didn't really do anything much for the game. But what do I know, maybe it'll push the AP carry meta even farther.

Kassadin is going to be the new top AP carry.

Seems to be just a cheaper, worse version of Deathfire Grasp, not sure why anyone would take it to be honest.

I think annie will be played more often now, she hasn't been touched in about 20 patches so is getting relatively stronger
AP poppy is better than the regular trinity force and etc
her devastating blow will hit for over 1k and with a cd less than 2 sec