Pretty good, even though I'm not that into metal that much. Used to like it a while ago.

Last edited by Dusq; Jun 12, 2012 at 01:03 PM.
Holy crap I can't stand to this terrible cover from that pop mainstream garbage, I'll start crying because your tasty is horrible, I'm going to cut my pulses, wait them bleed and fall into a deep hole of knifes and fake hopes.

~being a dick

Oh lol, fuck that, just to say I have no musical bias.
Although, great cover, way better than the original, in this way, this song made me remember things 10/10

Also, screamo =/= heavy metal.

Woah that was pretty trippy.

Okay if this song doesn't cause you to instantly grow a beard I don't know what will.
Also just adding to Carnage's point: Screamo is gay and emo, most heavy metal is not.
Last edited by Wicked; Jun 15, 2012 at 12:25 AM.
Nice song, not exactly what I like, but stills a good song.

But talking about man stuff and insta beard.

Some Mastodon with puppies appears.
pretty decent, bit too messy imo 7/10

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