*hand up* I have an idea prof
What about talk of the replay normally like the old episodes and then before switch to another replay,keyframe it?
Last edited by NICOLAS135; Oct 21, 2015 at 03:55 PM.
Originally Posted by NICOLAS135 View Post
*hand up* I have an idea prof
What about talk of the replay normally like the old episodes and then before switch to another replay,keyframe it?

I don't hate this idea and honestly if the general opinion on the new format doesn't improve after we fix some issues and we do end up going back to the old style we'll most likely keep key frames around.
Originally Posted by JackMorris View Post
I don't hate this idea and honestly if the general opinion on the new format doesn't improve after we fix some issues and we do end up going back to the old style we'll most likely keep key frames around.

yeeeeees, keyframes are good.
although I'm going to miss jeff-cam.
Originally Posted by imaSlayaa View Post
yeeeeees, keyframes are good.
although I'm going to miss jeff-cam.

That will almost certainly still be a thing for the replays it suits, don't worry
If you have keyframes, maybe you don't need to edit :o
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
If you have keyframes, maybe you don't need to edit :o

I think no matter what keyframes are here to stay, but I think today's episode will improve on a lot of the issues people had with the revamp
I rate 10/10 because you're not concon

But really, next time you stream or something shoot me a pm.