Endurance Onslaught 6.0
You only play morde if other lanes can make up for his lack of cc and mid game. You typically have a mid with a strong mid game and/or good cc. Morde lacks both. So you need somebody like Naut, Mumu, Zac, etc. etc. in the jungle who has good, easy to land cc, and a top lane with a decent engage, like Shen, Rumble etc. etc. It's also preferable if you have a strong cc support like Leona, Sona, Nami etc. etc.

Basically, you need cc to back up morde. Otherwise morde will accomplish virtually nothing.

In addition, morde gets shit on at top at all points of laning. If there's absolutely one thing you should never do, it's morde top. He has a weak early phase with no real sustain, a weak ult in early levels, and is forced to push hard to maintain his shield, which is the only way he'll keep himself in lane, which opens you up to hard ganks.

And of course, his ghost is strong. It takes whoever is killed, and gifts them bonus ad and ap, plus himself bonus ad and ap based on the ghost's stats. It turns a 5v5 into a 4v6 if it happens, and it is terrifying to fight against. However, he should basically never get in range to use it on anyone of importance unless, as mentioned before, cc is heavy on your team.

tl;dr: never go top morde, have cc to back up morde in general.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
If you don't have CC on your team though then your general team comp is utter shit. If you're playing at a competitive level for any of this stuff to actually matter, chances are your team isn't going to completely disregard his weak points.

Also, if you can't get in range of a strong top lane such as jax (that passive of his ult is utterly devastating) or the main target being an ADC, the other team is ultimately better and you can't displace them at all. Honestly, you can cast his ult over any wall and probably even two walls and unless you're building glass cannon morde for some reason you shouldn't get melted as soon as you step into a fight. CC comes into play again which your team SHOULD have as there is many strong supports/junglers and top laners, even ADC's such as varus and vayne that can displace enemy teams.

Basically, do not play morde if you can't farm, and do not play morde if you are not confident in your own abilities to play him properly.

also the people i was playing against in rank were most likely shit but I was able to 1v2 a shen and yi while i was mid scoring first blood and a double kill at about level 6, while master yi was only level 4 and shen level 4 as well because i abuse wraith jungle camps and counter jungling. Wards are strong.

(Not trying to argue that there aren't safer mid picks because there obviously is, just saying that in any situation morde should be able to at least not feed his lane and if he's up against TF or someone that is trying to roam, you can push the lane so hard in just a matter of seconds.)
Last edited by Lume; Jul 8, 2013 at 03:05 AM.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
If you don't have CC on your team though then your general team comp is utter shit. If you're playing at a competitive level for any of this stuff to actually matter, chances are your team isn't going to completely disregard his weak points.

Also, if you can't get in range of a strong top lane such as jax (that passive of his ult is utterly devastating) or the main target being an ADC, the other team is ultimately better and you can't displace them at all. Honestly, you can cast his ult over any wall and probably even two walls and unless you're building glass cannon morde for some reason you shouldn't get melted as soon as you step into a fight. CC comes into play again which your team SHOULD have as there is many strong supports/junglers and top laners, even ADC's such as varus and vayne that can displace enemy teams.

Basically, do not play morde if you can't farm, and do not play morde if you are not confident in your own abilities to play him properly.

also the people i was playing against in rank were most likely shit but I was able to 1v2 a shen and yi while i was mid scoring first blood and a double kill at about level 6, while master yi was only level 4 and shen level 4 as well because i abuse wraith jungle camps and counter jungling. Wards are strong.

(Not trying to argue that there aren't safer mid picks because there obviously is, just saying that in any situation morde should be able to at least not feed his lane and if he's up against TF or someone that is trying to roam, you can push the lane so hard in just a matter of seconds.)

Morde sucks. The only reason he does well is because people don't expect his kit. 100% only reason.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
A scale of 1 to 10, how fun is Malzahar if you like playing Champions like Veigar and Le Blanc?

0, because hes kind of diffrent type if u come to playstyle.
veigar is a totally lategame oneshot champ, leblanc falls of lategame and is only strong early-mid.
malza is more lategame too, but u dont do that type of burst dmg, its more that u ult the enemy adc, with your selfstun, and die while casting if your team fails.
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
malz's ult is kind of meh if you ask me.

You're basically rooting yourself too... lol

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Da fuk? Shaco does not have as much burst as rengar does when he ganks 6. AS for clear, you are right in the beginning rengar has a tough time, but it makes up for it around 6 because my double q's give a shit ton of attack speed. As for wards I find different ways to gank, if their mid is buying 6 pinks to protect his lane, I am helping my team. Rengar's ult is pretty long so I can ult from a distance and gank. Shaco also has a trash late where for rengar its easy peasy to target the carries.

Oh and also, I am usually a higher pick so I get countered everytime I go rengar top

Haha rengar counter? What is that? Rengar can pretty much bully out every other top laner there is and get farm.

Also yeah rengar needs farm to get the job done (at least thats how I see it). w/o items he's useless but once he gets hydra, bork, and a lw, gg.
Hmm.. forget Malz then.. Cassiopea looks pretty nice, I was dominated by her in Mid lane, and she seems to snow ball pretty damn hard if she gets a few kills at the start :S
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Yadda yadda blab blab

Biggest problem with Morde is the fact that you can play other champions as you play Morde, but YOU MUST PLAY MORDEKAISER AS YOU PLAY MORDEKAISER. You have to make sure that there IS NO ENEMY MIDLANER.


You just have to play so that the enemy midlaner gets no farm and is always so low HP/Mana that he can't be ganked without giving you that double kill.
(Warding also helps.)

He's pretty good noob/pubstomp due to his ultimate. You have 0/21/0 32 CS Ashe at 30 minute mark? Just hijack their 21/0/13 freefarm Kog'Maw and kill everything with him.