ok sorry guys my dad took my wireless key board away cause iw as being naughty... ok but the way i typed this was becuse i stole this keybord back while my mum and dad aint here so im just letting u know

oh and illl tell u when im back ok so bear with me
heads heres a link to my head shop
hey i would like some sort of custom head, one that is hippyish and 70s like, like something from a Jimi Hendrix album. I can pay up to 1200 tc. Thanks!
Can I have a gory ninja head with specs of blood on the front with a lot on the sides but not cover up the eyes..

The eyes should have stage 4 sharingna Mangkeyou.. (google it) With Bloodude On the back but the oos replaced with stage 3 sharingan.. (google)

I will pay depending on the quality
Sad to say but I'm back.
ok i need u both to explain more

oh and i'd say about 700tc for that white bloody head k RD?

oh and Aipom ill send u it via pm ok

and im happy that all u are happy with my heads
Last edited by tooly12321; Jan 12, 2008 at 06:56 AM.
heads heres a link to my head shop
my friggen head!
hey yo man ive been waiting fro about 2 weeks now for my god damn head..either make that head with the tribal eye or ur losing a customer...this is getting ridiculous
wel mate my dad stole my wireless key bord for about a week so coudlnt do anything ok so deal with it im making your head as i post this reply

oh and do u want skinn colour or just white

see i told u i made the head for u tell me if u need editing

Last edited by tooly12321; Jan 14, 2008 at 12:29 AM.
heads heres a link to my head shop
thats awesome..can u put a black ring in the eye if u dont want to then dont worry about it

how much you want? i got 300 tc and i just had a 15 streak so 85 + 300 + 385 thats as much as i got so tell me a price and ill pay u
Last edited by AragingJew; Jan 14, 2008 at 01:14 AM.
hey sorry for the double post it wont let me edit it i dont know let me like 5 minutes ago...anyways is it ok if i pay u like 450 tc and whenever i whin ill keep sending u tc?
sorry ive been busy lately with stuff i gotta do

but i will make in like the next few hours

oh and sure thing jew
Last edited by tooly12321; Jan 14, 2008 at 04:02 AM.
heads heres a link to my head shop