Just saw a few replays from this thread... Not bad, you have some sweet moments.
Keep it up. Focus on your moves, explore new things.

I liked that last opener.
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
I'm happy you liked this replay, guys. I've just made a new one, and I think it's not bad
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#Dave - Rewind Your Time.rpl (124.5 KB, 29 views)
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
That was prettty good.
The opener was alright but I didn't like the way you came to uke with that jump though. The first kick was great, I quite liked it, it wasn't messy or sometin.
The punch was also flowing nicely with the kick, anyways the punch byitself was really nice in my opinion.
The pose maybe could be done better.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
I did another opener before this one, but when I saved it it glitched (Damn, 4.0). So I tried to make it again, but I failed. Anyway thanks
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
I feel like you could have done something with that arm but that is really my only complaint. Although the pose could have been better as well. But the kick to the punch was done well and flowed nicely between each other.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
The opener was pretty unqiue, I liked it.
The first kick was nice, was just a tiny bit messy.
The transition to the punch was smooth and looked nice.
The pose, as april said, looked like it was thrown in just to finish the replay.
Pretty nice replay however, nice flow.
Thank you guys. Anyway I've made a new replay, I think it's better than the last one. -30.00 shiz etc.
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#Dave - Elephant Print.rpl (204.9 KB, 20 views)
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
I liked the opener it was pretty nice to watch. It didn't do much to get you speed, other then look nice.
The kick was pretty smooth and destructive. I liked how you achieved that level of destruction without ghosting.
The transition to the pose was pretty interesting, I liked the way you rolled on the ground.
I would've liked the pose more if you have stayed standing up though. Falling down was a bit of a buzzkill.
Frontflip looked wierd but cool somewhy. I haven't seen many frontflips before, maybe that's why.
Well executed boomhit, impressive amount of dms considering it was more of an upward chop than a kick.
That's about it from me, I know nothing of -30 so ignore what I said.
oh yeah