@shinigami your application has been posted for Discussion!!!
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
Application :)
Suh dudes, don't ask why im recycling old memes on this application (its just to make me a look cool)
I'm also gonna try add clan puns just because these applications are probs boring af to read.
About me:
I'm a 17 year old semi-chav that lives in the East of England with his "daddy", I go to college and study game design which means I have knowledge of code and programs such as photoshop...
Lets forget last year at sixthform D:
After my final year at college I'm hoping to study either game design, animation or programming at a "close uni" because fuck accomodation fees. I am currently sitting in my $399 Pewds chair, this explains about 75% of the entirety of my life. When I'm not in this chair im either out down my local town hanging out with friends (not smoking weed *cough* *cough*), down the gym getting some noob gains and going to college. This application explains a lot of my life, right now I am meant to be doing some work for college but eh this is more worth it.
Other games that I play include mount and blade warband <3, fortnite (sorry god), Don't starve together and 7 days to die. DONT FORGET HAXBALL, if anyone wants to play pls link a server via forums <3.
toribash life:
Damn, this is gonna be a long one. All the way back in the golden days of youtube in 2013 I stumbled across a god in his final form; TheNerdCubed. (yes its the same as the example one but I genuienly found toribash through him). After watching his playthroughs I became intregued into how the tori moved and the possibilities within the game, I nagged my mate to play it with me (now known as vayne). I started off with the account Willdo69 which i got to 2nd dan in 2014, I enjoyed replay making by sparring and doing parkour mods (replays lost on old pc crievritim) I dabbled into marketing a little but was not successful. Then the dark ages approached, I was banned for tc boosting with my friend (dont forget my 14 year old toxicity) . After this I made various alternate accounts but lost interest in the game as I lost all of my inventory and tc earnings. 4 years later (2 months ago) I decided to hop back on and now I am hooked. I have started marketing again and have a total inventory + tc worth of 250k in a few weeks work and my aikido skills are improving rapidly because I am getting support from the top players in the communitiy <3. I'm leaving tank due to the saturation of players and the lack of effort required to join the clan, I was approached by c0nspire after just palying 1 game with him, where's the challenge in that?

why ace?
easiest question on the application <3 - Whilst playing toribash in the past couple months I have noticed one clan standing out from the rest, ACE. The members are extremely welcoming into hangout servers, they're a challenge to beat in ABD, the members I have spoken to in game dont mind talking about real life shit and it's the number 1 muthafuckin clan bish. Through training with clan members I feel I can greatly assist in keeping the top spot on the clan leader boards in wars. I am currently doing marketing so any excess tc I get I can give to the "iron bank" lel . (anyone wants goofy artwork just ask me)

Overall I feel like the clan has a great atmosphere and would love to be a part of it <3.
I would enjoy seeing how fair up in the clan I can get and how much my skill as a player can improve.
Much love, Blackfuzz. x
IDK what to put for this so, I finger pigeons... :/ ?
another nerdcubed fan XD i still watch the guy what got me into tb was the little and cubed stuffs they did anyways back to being professional

@blackfuzz your application has been posted for discussion!!!
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
• Country

• Timezone / GMT: +1

Why do you want to join ace: To be a member of the clan ouch, what question was this?

Do you have alts ?: Zeuuuuuus, Undestan

Why did you pick ace ?: Well, it's a nice clan, almost everyone and then I want to help them correct their vision

In what ways will you contribute to the clan, or will it be good to our lineup?

Are you active on forums ?: No, when I try to do something in the forum I only iron me

Have you been banned or infringed ?: 6 times '-'

Are you familliar with any ace members ?: Everyone <3

What did you previously have ?: Fat (leader), tank, Flw (warmaster), Darkend

Do you have Special skills ?: Yes, Correct vision
[ • HELPER | FAT | TM • ]
@Shinigami Denied you may try again in a week. If you have any questions feel free to pm one of the leaders!!!

@blackfuzz Accepted welcome to Ace!!! Your invite will be sent shortly.

@skilledzeus Denied you may try again in a week. If you have any questions feel free to pm one of the leaders!!!
Last edited by Karen; Apr 16, 2018 at 07:44 PM.
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
About me
Well ok lets do dis shizness im a 13 year old unknown gender <-< i have been playing this game for a few years took a year break or so im just a no life that plays fortnite and toribash ye ok ok (fucking pleb fortnite player hikou says).


well i started playing toribash in 2015 like a noob i automatically started to play abd and realism shit im ok at abd i guess ill post some abd replays later maybe i guess but when im under pressure i just become ultra instinct Goku but whatever.

i want to be in ace because most of you guys are cool like wu22up cat toc hikou and i wanna help this clan become the best ye ye

What i have to offer to ace!

Well i can help in wars <3 forum events and events in general im kinda forum active

Final thoughts fam

Ace is just a good clan with good members #Aceisgonnawinclanleague

Oh yeah Country AMURICA GMT -5
Last edited by Xao0; Apr 21, 2018 at 10:16 PM. Reason: uh
i watch people shower cause why not thats what girls do :o
@xao0 Denied you may try again in a week. If you have any questions feel free to pm one of the leaders!!!
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
Ace Application
Hello, i'm Trap and this is my Ace Application.
My Real Life

I'm a 15 year old kid originally from Russia "Hail Putin" and i moved to East coast america when i was 3,Currently i'm really into learning coding so i can eventually move on to making video games.I love to draw and i also own a Tabby cat. That's really it.


I started playing toribash originally when i was 10 i heard about it from the nerds in my school when i first started to play i fell in love with this game playing non stop and even faking being sick so i could stay home and play on my shitty little laptop all day.Eventually i kinda forgot about the game i came back in late 2016. I stopped playing for about a month and i came back on jan 17th 2017. A tad bit of irony with that date but that's besides the point I have a plentiful amount of accounts of now i can only access 3 of which are Xx_Pr0G4m3rG1rl_xX, Trap and finally Nemesis. I've been Banned quite a few time mainly for scamming and being toxic. Halfway through 2017 i stopped playing and came back only a few days ago. I've been in clans Such as Wapow Vanirgod Hyuga Uchiha Origin(With Cat4hbk) and satire there have been many more but i can't remember all of them. I am a 3rd dan technically 7th between all of accounts but let's keep it simple. I mainly play AikidoBigDojo, Boxshu_Mushu_v3 and Twinswords occasonally i'll play lenshu and earth tk.
So why Ace ?

I mainly am choosing Ace as a clan because i know both of the leaders who are great people and also because i know Cat can actually lead a clan.

What can i offer Ace?

I can offer Ace a helping hand in wars because we all know sora isn't good enough by himself <3 i could also help with clan art if any new stuff needs to be made and hopefully help grow Ace into a better clan than it already is.

Thank you for reading my application to Ace and i hope you have a great day.
@trap your application has been posted for Discussion!!!
@Trap Accepted welcome to Ace!!! Your invite will be sent shortly.
Last edited by Karen; Apr 22, 2018 at 10:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
Hello members of Ascended, I am here to apply to your clan. I am 14 years old and my name is Dylan and, my username is crow. I have already applied to your clan once, and was accepted. I started playing toribash originally on an account named “djchickenkid” and I started the game on September 6th, 2014 but i had lost my password to my account after forgetting about the game. I was reminded about the game in 2015 because I had watched a Markiplier video, shortly after I created a new account named “djchickenkid2” but later on in mid 2016 i name changed to “crow”. Now I know that some of you guys and girls may currently be saying to themselves, “Hey isn't that kid a big clan hopper?”. Yes it is true that many people still consider me as a clan hopper because they haven't taken the time to truly figure out that I seriously regret my past actions when it came to clans, and for the past few months i have been trying to show people that i am not the person that i once was when it comes to being loyal and such.

Ingame Information

While I am on my computer I am most likely playing one of t games, Toribash, Team Fortress 2, Unturned, Brawlhalla,Call of Duty WAW, Call of Duty MW2, Call of Duty WW2, Happy room, Turbo Dismount, Battlefield 4, Brawlhalla, Blockade 3d, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Garys mod, Guts and glory. However, when i'm on my computer i am mainly playing toribash, i am usually ingame for six hours on weekdays and 12 hours and higher on weekends. During my time ingame you can usually find me playing Aikidobigdojo, Rkmma, Lengshu, or Tk but i am also open to learn some different mods if you guys are able to teach me. When I am ingame i like to war other clans, hop in a bet server, or sometimes i'll pk or spar. If i'm not ingame on toribash you can also @ me on discord and i will come as quick as i can if i'm not doing something important.

Forum Information

While i am on my computer i am constantly browsing the forums, I am usually stalking the market boards or just looking a clans discussion page. I check to see if i have pms very often and if i do see that someone has private messaged me, then i will respond as soon as possible. I currently have 937 posts on the toribash forum, but i am constantly trying to increase that number and hopefully hit 1000 posts in the near future.

Why I would like to join Ascended

I would like to join Ascended because i see there community as more of a friendly environment and not a super competitive area. Another reason i would like to join Ascended is because I have been supportive of the clan since the first day that I have met any of you, I have also been getting to know a lot of the members. Some members that I know are Hikou, Cat4hbk, Hildetorr, Wu22up, Aubrey, Tochukwu, Dead4your, Darkhorsepyro, Soda, Dream, EdgyKiwi, and Zuca101

Information about myself (IRL)

As I stated in the start of my app, my name is Dylan and i live in America I am 14 years old. Some of the hobbies i enjoy consist of playing video games, drawing, biking, and going to the park.

My most favorite past clans

[l] Liquor
[Wapow] Wapow
[Nitro] Nitro
(future) future
(x) x
Contacting me

I mainly use discord and my tag is Crow#9564, but you can pm me on forums and i will get back to you as fast as i can.
Last edited by ILOVEPISS9000; Apr 23, 2018 at 12:57 AM.