Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
i made a mod where uke cant move joints =D

Like if you kick him he doesn't move? Wheres the mod?! WHERE?!?!
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
How about a script that when you get hit in the head your "balance" goes funny for a few turns.

I know there's no actual "balance" variable or function you can go for, but you could approximate it by effecting how the lumbar, glutes, and knees respond.

you could vary the severity based upon the damage that the head takes perhaps.

Just an idea
Pretty sure you can't detect what bodypart's being injured though.

Maybe overall damage or something, but it'd probably be something like the lumbar/chest joints switch to a random state if you change it. Meaning if you, by mistake manage to make the lumbar be the position you need, unless you move it again, it'll stay the same way. Because IRL, even while dizzy you can keep your joints in a position (extended, etc)
Another idea, again sorry if this was suggested.
A dragging script. Basically, you press p, and if you hold left, Tori gets pulled left by some body part. Hold right, it pulls him right, etc.
And obviously you could set which body part gets pulled in the script.
I think this would be possible, seeing joust on demand.
Doable. I think Newb already did it.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
It is doable.

But pulling on a single bodypart will most likely completely rip it apart.

Also, Newbluck made one. He's posting it soon.
Yeah, set a higher DM thresh, or turn DM off, or your just going to be ripping tori apart. It uses the mouse, drag a joint and let go of the mouse to kind of fling him... Its entertaining for a bit at least.

Dragging a joint does x/y movement, hold shift for vertical, and hold ctrl for rotation.
Attached Files
mouseforce.lua (1.5 KB, 113 views)
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
(  _ \(  _  )(  )(  )( \( )/ __)( \/ )
 ) _ < )(_)(  )(__)(  )  (( (__  \  / 
(____/(_____)(______)(_)\_)\___) (__) 
Originally Posted by Church1000 View Post
A script were uke DOE'S NOT MOVE AT ALL. Like even if you kick uke as hard as you can he won't even budge BUT he will take damage.

Hmmmm.... this sounds kinda easy though... but it would require using both a mod and a script, combine Mrpoptarts mod and if Jok makes a script where ukes feet are stuck in position it should work...