Dirt Nap: The decap using your decapitated head was alright, a little too stiff for my liking, but decent, I suppose. The boom afterwards was good, nothing too special. The 2-dm hit is alright, but a boom would be better.

That replay was good, I guess. Nothing actually stood out from that replay. Just a plain 'ol madman with a severed head

Tilt: Tricking is not really my field of expertise, since I've only made one of them. But I can say that the tricks you did weren't all that stylish or flashy. I can tell that you know how to move in -30.00 gravity though, so I guess that's a start.
Had super nice fluidity throughout the replay.
Style was nice and well thought out.
Nice replay.
Only thing I would change is that pose. That pose could be so much better with a couple seconds more of editing.
The opener was pretty cool and unique.
The first boom was really nice, however that other glute trolled me.
The jump looked a little weird since your back kind of snapped. However the way you used it to get another boom was enjoyable.
The way you grabbed ukes head to get the skeet probably could've been more unique. It was probably the most bland part of the replay. I think you could've used your foot to launch it into the air and then done the skeet.
The skeet-cap was really nice. I liked how you incorporated the throw into your spin, using the normal flow of the spin as well as your movement was really nice.
The transition to the pose was the worst part. The ending would've been better if you had just dropped into the pose.
Really nice replay.
Well, bro. Like I said before. this replay was Impressed me so much.
The opener and the beginning wasn't that great but then you did a spin and did that first boom, which is awesome. The first boom byitself was really clean. Your movement after that boom was controlled well. Nospecial movement in the air but the second boom was really nice. The skeet cap was unique though. Liked how you threw it then skeeting it.
Pose was pretty good imo.
Good job Lucid, Your best replay so far for me, 9,6/10
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Damn dude i give you a 10/10 i watched the first two replays in your thread and then i went to your last page you uploaded a replay thinking you would suck. I can see you really improved i'm not that good but that was really nice.
Dude, that was an awesome replay. Everything about it was great.

But there's something that bugs me. Replays that I would rate 9/10 or higher would be perfect and insane replays. Something like "Born of Osiris" by numbers(in your replay folder), or Oblivion and Leilak's replays.
Not saying that this replay isn't awesome. I see almost no flaws.
But still, this is just about the way people rate replays.
I'd give this replay a 7 or maybe more out of 10. Great job.

PS you gave my replay a 6.8/10. My replay sucks way more than that xD