Original Post
Toribash 4.3

- Updated multiplayer window (sorting, filters, buddy list)
- Bout list flags
- Bout list stats (right click on player)
- Opener stats (will show next to timers, click to show again)
- Tab completion on all server commands
- Tab completion on all client commands
- Tab completion for mods /lm
- Tab completion for gamerules /set
- Create room options
- Changed Slower Frame Rate to Lower Frame Rate Cap
- /damagemeter

Server Updates:
- Pause/Unpause
- /nameopener - name your openers
- /decapprize - add a decapprize

Bugg fixes:
- Fixed Multiplayer Window crash on intel cards
- Display avatar in non-shader mode
- /duel mode turn on off correctly
Other than the flags, nice update.

I don't like the flags mainly because they attract a new source of annoyance, racism.
I live in Israel, and there are obviously people who don't like this place.
Just today I was playing jousting and some guy just started swearing me out of the blue, he left after he lost.
I'd like to suggest, if it belongs here, an option to hide my flag from other players.

Other than that, thanks hampa and the devs(as noted above me)
i think the flags are a cool feature, seeing people from all countries.
and if people hate or ragequit you it has nothing to do with your flag its because they are idiots
It has a lot to do with my flag when they say "You fucking Israeli"(with more caps and incorrect spelling) without any provocation from me.
I won't be surprised to see me getting banned or kicked from people's room because I live where I live.
I agree they are probably idiots, but they act that way because they see my flag.

I think I don't have to share that information so freely with people(sure they can get my IP and get that info, but they could do that before), I don't mind it being on my profile, but it is irrelevant information in-game.

I hope you'll understand my point of view, and let's all enjoy this wonderful game.
Last edited by Demki; Feb 10, 2013 at 10:46 PM.
Be quiet, Mike. People keep requesting that and it's never gonna happen anyways.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
great work, how bout making the profits of bets higher? I think that'll help =)
Testicles, that is all.