Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Opener looked good. A bit slow but it pays back later in speed and uniquenesss.s.z,mzfd.
The boom looks like it could've needed some hardcore editing to get it even but I'm not going to even try to see if that's possible ;P It's just a minor + if it was.
The transfer to the next dm was ok and the throw was really nice.
What nailed it was the whole jump together with the walk. Was really nice as an ending.
PM me with any and all questions
I absolutely loved the opener, spectacular! I love openers like that.
Boom was stunning, love the way you dm the torso with your knee instead of your leg and then make it look like you dm'ed it with your leg. Though, working a bit more on it to make a bigger boom would be really awesome. I believe you can improve it easily since you use both legs.
Thrust to the lower part was nice, but throwing it and then dm'ing seems a bit impractical, would be better if you dm'ed it on the floor.
Also, you used way too much grab for the replay. I know that grabbing isn't that much frowned upon these days but 3 grabs for 2 hits just seem too much.

Overall, nice man! I think if you edit it a bit more, you can make the replay thousands of times better.
Get a namechange to ggot.
Opener was slow at first, but it picked up the pace.
Grabbing in the beggining was ñnnnha, you could have probably done a prettier hit with that jump.
Good boom, could be bigger if you want.
Transition to the ass kick was flashy, kick itself was a bit disappointing but still overall pretty decent replay.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Get a namechange to ggot.

We were actually discussing that. Either ggot, ggotry or bulous.
Well the opener was pretty slow in my opinion, but then after frame 620 something you continue it nicely with a better speed movement. The boom was nice, didn't like the grab before it but I know the boom wouldn't happen without it. The way how you throw the lower body then kicking it was great. But the boom byitself was pretty generic though.
Awesome, how you walked at the end looked realistic. Pose was also well done.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Great to see the last part boomed.

[00:23:03]chamara: You also fixed the weird movement at the last part
[00:23:06]chamara: good job man!
Okay, like april said, the opener seemed to be really slow, when you contracted your knee, i didn't take too kindly to it. that one leg movement bothered me,maybe find a better way to get into the position.

from 717 to 600 to me, looked sloppy, it wasn't a very good way transition to a jump towards uke.

The first boomhit looked off, mainly because you used your knee instead of your Foot to boom him with, you got too close to his chest area to do anything about that because of the spin...Skipping ahead...

What you did to get to uke's lower half seemed to be awkward and i wasn't so pleased with it. As you picked up his body, that looked okay i suppose. When you switched hands and then kicked, that looked okay as well. you coulda done something so your arm would faze inside of your leg.

The last boom kick, it seemed boring. Also It had such nice and precise aim to it, but in the end it the arm fazed into your leg and fucked up the look of the kick, in my eyes.

You got lazy and didn't bother to have your tori stand or do some kinda pose at the end of the replay.

I'll give it a 7/10, I've seen you do better.
Last edited by Dobby; Apr 24, 2013 at 12:16 AM.