Will you be willing to trade for wings? Any one of the flying monk sets?


Viddah Moderated Message:
put your screenshots in spoilers for the love of everything
Last edited by Viddah; May 17, 2017 at 02:22 PM.
Hey merc could you take out the magma set from Flying monk sets and heads for me since im the new owner of the set ir add that im the owner? Thanks babe <3
I Pm'd you about details on that set and asking which set you mean. Is that the only set you would consider? Its essentially just color.
Would you do it for the armoured warrior or the yellowish robot kinda looks like the green
Last edited by Feature; May 17, 2017 at 10:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
@Ezalor i own the set now. He hasnt put me as owner yet. I requested for him to take it out or show i own it.

Sorry bout that sunther haha. I need learn to read. Thanks babe.
Last edited by BigBrandon; May 18, 2017 at 05:14 PM.
Originally Posted by BigBrandon View Post
@Sunther i owm the set now. He hasnt put me as owner yet. I requested for him to take it out or show i own it.

I'm not ezalor
But I wish I was
Anyways what u lookin for the hisoka set


USD or TC Sunther? Also don't waste my time again, you always negotiate but never finish the deal.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
I'll do 150k for hisoka
I won't do usd
I'll probably offer more when I got more tc
I loaned faker 100k just a few minutes ago