Original Post
Flame Forge and Toribooster-500 Released!
The Flame Forge is now open for business!

How to access the forge:
1) Subscribe to a Flame Forger Booster at 25 USD. You can do so HERE

2) Open up the Flame Forge in Toribash using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + I.

3) Play around with the variables and find out what each variable does.
- You may need to set a larger screen height to accomodate Flame Variables.

4) Name your flame.

5) Click the CREATE button.
This will take you to a screen which displays the amount of Toricredits you require to forge the flame you have made.


SUGGESTED Business Models:
1) Purchase a flame booster.
2) Purchase a normal booster and or TC.
3) Sell flames at x% above the cost of forging.

1) Purchase a flame booster.
2) Open up auctions and orders for flames in TC.
3) Have buyers send you TC + your margin before you forge.

Toribooster-500 Launch
In addition to the forge opening, we've finally released the Toribooster-500. Available for subscription from today!
Last edited by Gman80; May 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM.
Gone Fishing
Originally Posted by umpalumpa5 View Post
Hi im umpalumpa5 and i like to make flames and..................stuff. But i want to create it but i cant get all the setting to show on the screen. i need to scroll down or something but i dont know how.......Do you?

You need to make the toribash resolution higher. Go to toribash menu - setup - options and change width to 900 and height to 800.

Already been said but I don't seem to have a delete button here, oh well ^^
Last edited by Magix; Jun 6, 2009 at 05:34 PM.
Whoop Whoop
@merx: there is one way you could get the flame forge for tc

you get someone to by it for you, like
you tell them your password
they buy the flame forge on your acc
you change your password
and you pay them in tc

i would imagine doing that would cost at the least 250k
cuz its 25USD to buy the forge booster
The forge looks so kewl.
I wish I could get one D:.

Hey jw, does it cost you money per one forge?
Or is it a one time buy?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
every flame you try to forge will have a set price in tc

usually 50k-200k afaik

thats after you buy the forge for 25USD