Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Of course having a good attitude and being a nice, calm contributing player helps your team win. But still, you try to encourage your team and you have people who say things like "all of the pro players rage at their team, it doesn't matter you scrub."

I'm probably not seeming valid at all seeing as I'm still in Silver 1 and like I said I believe someone can carry themselves out of solo queue but man the teams I've been getting have just been horrid. I don't say anything in-game except encouraging to buy wards, urging people on when they do good and giving people on my team tips when they're doing somewhat bad.

I'm all for cooperation and team play to win solo queue games but my teams never agree with me, usually when they don't agree I just put them on mute or ignore them.

Literally, the solo/duo queue community in League of Legends is so toxic it disgusts me. I was supporting as Leona and I was going 0-1-2 in lane while my ADC was going 0-5, I tried to encourage my team to not give up and the Varus was threatening to afk and I told him to stay and we could play more passive, he feeds another three kills and I say nothing bad to him and him, along with four other people which I assume were spectating the game all added/messaged me telling me to kill myself and that I'll be stuck in Silver forever. If that isn't a bad community I really don't know what is.

It's not even necessarily being nice to your team, just not being rude. And if they are the largest jackasses on earth, you just play the game silently. Don't mute them, just don't get drawn in to the insults and back and forth ragefest. If they improve their behavior, great; if they don't, doesn't matter. The game will end, and you get on with your life.

A lot of players get angry if you try to tell them what to do. I try to remain as silent as possible, and only suggest generic things as questions. Like "can i have blue?" or "dragon?", simple things that are unlikely to piss anybody off. If somebody needs to back because they're gonna get ganked, I just ping them to back, then ping where I think the enemy is coming from. If they don't listen, I don't berate them. I assume the message got through. If they complain I didn't say anything in chat, I ignore the comment. They're looking for a reason to blame their lack of map awareness. Chances are, if they didn't notice it on the map, they wouldn't have noticed it in chat anyways.

If I need to make any comment on the player for routinely doing something wrong, I always phrase it as neutral as possible, while still being firm. I hate doing it, because I know I risk starting a death spiral of hate, but it's an option of last resort. If they keep face checking bushes, "please don't walk into a bush if you don't know where the enemy is" or "please place a ward in that bush before you enter it".

Basically, don't assume your team is a bunch of braindead morons, and they typically will not play like a bunch of braindead morons. And if they do, why should I give a fuck? Statistical likelihood is that the enemy team has just as many braindead morons on it as my team. Eventually I'll get what I want through perseverance.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
It's not even necessarily being nice to your team, just not being rude. And if they are the largest jackasses on earth, you just play the game silently. Don't mute them, just don't get drawn in to the insults and back and forth ragefest. If they improve their behavior, great; if they don't, doesn't matter. The game will end, and you get on with your life.

A lot of players get angry if you try to tell them what to do. I try to remain as silent as possible, and only suggest generic things as questions. Like "can i have blue?" or "dragon?", simple things that are unlikely to piss anybody off. If somebody needs to back because they're gonna get ganked, I just ping them to back, then ping where I think the enemy is coming from. If they don't listen, I don't berate them. I assume the message got through. If they complain I didn't say anything in chat, I ignore the comment. They're looking for a reason to blame their lack of map awareness. Chances are, if they didn't notice it on the map, they wouldn't have noticed it in chat anyways.

If I need to make any comment on the player for routinely doing something wrong, I always phrase it as neutral as possible, while still being firm. I hate doing it, because I know I risk starting a death spiral of hate, but it's an option of last resort. If they keep face checking bushes, "please don't walk into a bush if you don't know where the enemy is" or "please place a ward in that bush before you enter it".

Basically, don't assume your team is a bunch of braindead morons, and they typically will not play like a bunch of braindead morons. And if they do, why should I give a fuck? Statistical likelihood is that the enemy team has just as many braindead morons on it as my team. Eventually I'll get what I want through perseverance.

Still doesn't change the fact that the League community is toxic. If I'm nothing but nice to my entire team and even encouraging them when they achieve an objective or the latter, and all they do is spam all chat with "so and so is so fucking retarded, report gg please" and "im going afk fuck this noobs on my team fuck fuck scrubs noob" then there's nothing I can do about that.

It's not even worth arguing about, nobody can say that the League community is good, it's like that for all Moba/AoS games. It seems like I'm complaining, which I kind of am, but nothing I can do, including staying silent, will get me away from the people that I've been matched up. Literally I have been with the most toxic of toxic players I have experienced in the last four years of me playing.

All of your points are correct and that's the attitude every player should have, and it's the attitude I try to keep in every game I play, but yeah, you get some people that seem like they're trying to ruin the game for everybody.

(**Just had someone in one of my solo queues lock in teemo jungle even though he was last pick and he said "i said i was mid/top/feeding and i didn't get mid or top so fuck you guys i don't care**)
Last edited by Lume; Jul 25, 2013 at 05:25 AM.
Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
I'm asking, is this a knock off of WoW

Nah, it's a knockoff of street fighter.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Rengar can and I have done it before with him. His double Q with lots of ad built(added to his tanky build) can hit half of a turret's hp, and the gargantuan attack speed boost from double Qing(apart from the fact that you can get 5 ferocity very fast to use empowered Q again) makes Rengar slice through turrets like butter.

The support CAN buy oracle, and they do quite often, but that's when you sit back and try to catch the adc out of position. You do not jump into situations where you can't get out alive anyways, that's just stupid.

Respect your opponent's skills but fearing them is a surefire way to lose. Fear makes you hesitate and not jump on to that vayne who just burned her Q because diana and brand are by her. Fear prevents you from getting said triple kill from that situation. You don't need to overestimate anyone's abilities, overestimating someone is just as bad as underestimating. The real solution is learn to estimate. Watching how someone last hits is quite a good judge of how they play.

Prove it, now.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Prove it, now.

Look it up on youtube. There are plenty of videos.

try "rengar vs. turret"

Also, do the math:

Nasus is arguably the only other champion who can come close to doing the same, but can't because he doesn't have a ridiculous AS steroid.

At level 2 with 1 point in Q and a longsword, Rengar can hit a QUARTER of the turret's hp(lowered by armor slightly, disappears at 8 minutes)
Last edited by Hyde; Jul 25, 2013 at 07:12 AM.
Hyde why don't you just show me the video instead of changing the topic?

Turrets have 200 armor with 1.5k health.

Realize that rengar is ad? And even if he does try to do lots of dmg, most of it will be blocked. Just show me this video you are talking about and I can agree with you.
Yes master

Last edited by Devil; Jul 25, 2013 at 07:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump