Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Use the quotation marks you mongoloid. Google the entire damn phrase rather than the tags "Rengar" "vs" "turret".

Jesus fucking christ.

Turrets don't start with 200, and they lose 150 armor when enemy minions are within a certain range of it + another 40 after 8 minutes while they gain 1 armor per minute.

Do the damn math. Google "Rengar turret bully".
Turret's take increased damage when there's no friendly champion or minions on turret and enemy minions are pushed to it. It's not impossible for rengar to take a turret down by a quarter health in 3 shots in the right situation. Q has an initial base damage increase, and his buffed Q has a 100% ad steroid in addition to the base increase. Combined with some early ad runes, and the inevitable level 2 that occurs by reaching turret, and you can very well hit for around 300 damage in 2 hits. Not exactly a quarter, but the third hit + the minion hits that are happening at the same time can easily break the quarter health barrier.

Similarly, as the game progresses, if an outer turret hasn't been pushed down yet, rengar can easily take it down in less that 5 seconds from full health in the aforementioned scenario. Less if he had a good laning phase.

And ofc the community is toxic Lume. In any game where there's direct competition, people are toxic as hell. You just have to bear with it and just do your best. No amount of complaining will change it, and the more you dwell on it the more it effects you. Part of it is not just how you deal with them during the game, but how you deal with them after the game.

I had a habit in s2 to play until I lost in ranked. The instant I lost a match, I stopped playing ranked for a couple days. Reason was the game would always bother me, and I would perform worse afterwards because of the loss. Which would lead to another loss, and it would spiral downwards. Similarly, I stopped playing ranked the instant a game ended where I had a particularly toxic teammate(s). Even if we crushed the enemy, I would stop no matter what because just getting irritated by remembering them would throw me off just a little bit, and I wouldn't risk a loss over something so avoidable.

Admittedly, I only played maybe 15 games in s2 for ranked before I was content to just let my elo decay to 1400 because of guaranteed benefits (and before I broke my habit when riot announced that highest elo would matter, not current elo, when s2 ended), but I had like 12 wins and 3 losses before that happened. Almost all of them were playing as support, and I had almost 100% win rates for every other position as well. I would of had gold at least, probably higher, if I continued. What matters though is that you ultimately have the final say on how much a toxic player will influence you. Will you let him just ruin one match, or will you let him ruin your next 10?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Rengar is like one of the best tower killers in the game. Double Q onto a tower then have like 2.2 AS (I believe that's the number that you can achieved with Bork and Level 5 Double Q Combo) and you just obliterated it. I'll play some games as Rengar tonight and see how quickly i can take towers down.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
You could've gotten tristana for free with her skin by liking their facebook page :P
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Prove it, now.

What the fuck do you think rengar is for? The whole point of playing him is splitpushing turrets, and ulting into the teamfights with mobos.

If you get a ravenous you can literally take a turret in a few seconds, at least before anyone has time to walk top and stop you. 1 wave can do the trick.

Hyde is right, you are wrong, and it makes me mad that you're condescending to everyone in this thread. If anyone says ANYTHING that you disagree with you have to make them prove it as if you are the correct judge to whether anything is right or wrong. And don't even say this never happens, it happens on every single page.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
If you're saying I'm stuck in Silver 1 because I prefer carry roles over support then something is wrong with the system.

Naw, didn't mean it like that at all. I mostly meant it as reminder (for everyone) that if you see your support just as a "ward bot" instead of "contributing/carrying player" you're dooming yourself to 4 vs 5, which usually leads to a loss. Not saying that you're doing it, but I've noticed that most people do so.

(Yeah, I intentionally baited you to this discussion, sorry! C; )

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Why? Because I prefer carry roles over support? I can support, and if I have to I don't oppose to it. I'm aware how important warding is and I ward countlessly even if I'm not support. (like a good player should)

That's the dilemma: most people see support only as a "ward/cc bots" who are "useless" (except for wards they provide!) after laning phase. It's sad but true. Which leads to people refusing to support. And if you don't want to do something you usually do it worse than you'd do it willingly.

And if you're ever played with good support, who is playing that role willingly, you should know the difference. :P

Such players can make even my ADCing look good. :3

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Still doesn't change the fact that the League community is toxic.

Indeed. League is full of shit stains who are not worth the air they breathe.
Only real way to stay sane in lower leagues of YoloQ is to play as much DuoQ as you can, preferably over voice chat.

It kills two birds with one rock! It removes one potential flamer and you have someone to went your frustration to!

I admit that without Pulla, I would have quit LoL long long time ago.
I'm agreeing with all of what dargon just said. I can't count how many times leilaque made me fed as an adc in ranked, and everyone knows how bad of an adc I am. I'm worse than dargon's adc :P

Find yourself a duo partner, you'll see the difference.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.