He has around 10 minions around him and the turret was down in 6 seconds. :22 to :28 turret was taken down 10 little minions and 1 cannon minion came around to dmg the turret even more, now I am starting to think you are blind, hyde. :o

Anyways I am not going to keep arguing with a person like you, seeing as how you seem to think you are overlord in discussion board and you are right no matter what, I am going to just stop talking about this and let you think you won just for the heck of it. Enjoy.
Last edited by Devil; Jul 26, 2013 at 05:43 AM.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
woah woah! Don't harrass me for pointing something out here. 4 shot? we are talking about rengar destroying turrets within 4 seconds. Don't mash your head into the keyboard without reading, sham.

I'm harrassing you? Care to explain?

Also whoops, I made a typo, apparently i'm smashing my face into my keyboard.

Hmm, let's read your next post...

Originally Posted by Devil
I am not going to keep arguing with a person like you,

Originally Posted by Devil
you seem to think you are overlord

Originally Posted by Devil
and let you think you won just for the heck of it

Oh shit, hyde you better watch out. He found 1 video where rengar took 5 seconds! Not 4, 5! He must be right!
Last edited by sham; Jul 26, 2013 at 05:49 AM.
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
He has around 10 minions around him and the turret was down in 6 seconds. :22 to :28 turret was taken down 10 little minions and 1 cannon minion came around to dmg the turret even more, now I am starting to think you are blind, hyde. :o

Anyways I am not going to keep arguing with a person like you, seeing as how you seem to think you are overlord in discussion board and you are right no matter what, I am going to just stop talking about this and let you think you won just for the heck of it. Enjoy.

1 thing you may have missed. In the video, he didn't double-Q. He didn't even use empowered savagery on the turret because he used it to clear the minion wave and didn't build up enough ferocity for another beforehand. The turret had 200 armor as opposed to 50 because he cleared the enemy minion wave. He could have literally done it in 3-3.5 seconds if he had double Q'd, and less if he hadn't pushed the wave.
Last edited by Hyde; Jul 26, 2013 at 06:20 AM.
Devil? admit he was wrong? why do you think i was super happy when OCE came out? i don't have to put up with him anymore :3
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
Devil? admit he was wrong? why do you think i was super happy when OCE came out? i don't have to put up with him anymore :3

I do miss bragging about being a better fizz thou.

Baby come back.

Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Can anyone teach me some things?

EU or NA?..
If EU W I could show you some things in a custom.
Unless you mean just being told some shizzles.

If so, what do you want to know?

To be more specific I want to know some universal tips, I can lane adequately but it's the finer points that elude me such as runes, wards, and jungling. I understand that there is no build for every situation and to adjust according to the opponents but still. Or possibly someone to play with that wouldn't mind me not being great.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Hm, I could play with you right now if you quickly made an EU W account.

When it comes to wards, wards are a must, vision of your baron, dragon, river and buffs can help prevent ganks and when it comes to counter jungling, help out your jungler counter jungle or even gank the enemy jungler in their own jungle.

Split pushing, having at least one split push champion on your team helps put the pressure on the enemy greatly. If you don't know what split pushing is, it is when top and bottom lane are pushed up to the enemy tower enabling the minions to damage the tower. You normally want to do this when the enemy team decides to fight mid, then they have the choice, move back to stop their towers from getting destoyed/take damage or continue to fight. Hesitant/Non communicating teams tend to fall to this tactic very easily.

Hm, another thing is laning, obviously you'll know about last hitting, but take care not to over extend especially during the early game. If you do choose to over extend (you might do this if you want to push your wave to the enemy tower so you can go back to base whilst making the enemy lose out on farm and xp) make sure you have a ward in the river bush.

I hope I helped, but I'm not the best player.. So advice from the others here would be much more helpful :')