Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
I decided to try ADC instead of my normal, solo top/mid status. I like to ADC. I might consider following it, but it's so overly taken I might just start supporting.

For Miss Fortune a really good build on here is Beserker Grieves, Bloodthrister, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, Black Cleaver, and one item (normally for defense) such as guardian angel/banshees
You seem to be ok at ad carry kill-wise, but you definitely want to start working on your CS.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
actually, twitch is probably THE most viable champ with a hurricane, his passive stacks rack up so fast it on multiple people, then if you combine the ulti range with hurricane... dear lord long range poison shots of doom into expunge = saaaaad faaaaacesss
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
actually, twitch is probably THE most viable champ with a hurricane, his passive stacks rack up so fast it on multiple people, then if you combine the ulti range with hurricane... dear lord long range poison shots of doom into expunge = saaaaad faaaaacesss

He's better without one.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I like the quote and everything, but that's kinda exactly what I got it for.. :P

well, but shiv also gives u tons of pushing potential, and good stats for teamfights etc.
since u cant rlly just push bot, and u sometimes have to help out ya team.

well, tbh i dont know in what whay hurricane effects twitche´s ult... so i cant rlly say if its worth it or not D: (i just never build this item, ever....)
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
So I tried ADC ryze (like blue build ezreal) and I completely destroyed a thresh trist bottom lane while I was with a naut support. Too bad we had an AD nid top against an quinn top. Sucks for her because nid needs to go against a top who's melee and can be decently kited.

A good nid top just stands in the brushes and harrases

she cant be kited when shes 6 and with that brush mov speed thingy its hard to kite her
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
So I tried ADC ryze (like blue build ezreal) and I completely destroyed a thresh trist bottom lane while I was with a naut support. Too bad we had an AD nid top against an quinn top. Sucks for her because nid needs to go against a top who's melee and can be decently kited.

also my build went like bork, muramana, bers greaves, iceborn (may change to trinity force so I can build a frozen heart), and banshee's which I wished granted mana.

Yeah, Brand is the same way. I don't know why but they can definitely be a big threat bot lane.
Promo time baby and my current streak in ranked isn't to bad either

Carried as Mf

First ranked game as aatrox