Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I got internet again and made an account for my friend, play Galio against some AI and taught him the rope. I really like Galio mid, he seems pretty good.
Worth the buy?
Also, had fun pub stomping noobs, but wow Rengar can pretty much destroy those poor souls
Last edited by souldevilj; Sep 4, 2013 at 11:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I am currently 8-2 in ranked with Shyvana. The games I lost I was using her ice drake skins, so I'm currently 8-0 with Darkflame Shyvana

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I got internet again and made an account for my friend, play Galio against some AI and taught him the rope. I really like Galio mid, he seems pretty good.
Worth the buy?
Also, had fun pub stomping noobs, but wow Rengar can pretty much destroy those poor souls

Galio is pretty strong, he counters basically every ap mid and has really good wave clear and teamfights. I'd say if you like him, then get him. Rengar's Q damage is OP
Last edited by j4nd0; Sep 5, 2013 at 11:06 AM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I got internet again and made an account for my friend, play Galio against some AI and taught him the rope. I really like Galio mid, he seems pretty good.
Worth the buy?

Galio has 3ish set backs

1) Late game he's basically an R bot, and his cant be used with zhonyas ie ken/morg
-which sucks considering the extremely long CD on it
2) won't be getting any kills by himself
3) Mana costs

but aside from I think he's pretty good. The trade off to #2 is no one should be killing you either, his wave clear is good, however he's somewhat counter intuitive. The passive suggests you should be stacking MR, but you're primarily there to taunt as many people as you can which encourages armor building.

Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Didn't they say Rengar was getting a nerf/rework?

not stated to be a nerf, but a rework yes
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Oh I see guys, I'll think about Galio as a counter mid once he comes off of f2p, would be handy to have a mid Counter as I haven't got one yet xD
And yeah.. Rengar.. Jeezzzz... I could see their health disappearing once I finally started remembering to get 4 ferocity, Q Q W E. At that point it was either auto attack or wait for the CD on E. That Blade of the Ruined King also made dueling so much easier.
So after failing my first 10-ish rengar games, I kept going... Got a game with 16/9 something and won, so I thought I'd try to do that again but this time top instead of jungle.

Dear god that was unreal

Still can't do a triple Q on demand, it just happens sometimes and fails in others.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Still can't do a triple Q on demand, it just happens sometimes and fails in others.

Get 5 stacks, enter r mode, hit q right as you hit stealth, let 4 stacks build, jump somebody, qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq


Also, Galio is strong, but he doesn't really fit anywhere in the current meta all that well. As a tank he's pretty good, but he relies on getting a channelled ult that taunts everybody in it to tank in a game where everybody and their mother has some form of disruption cc, and everyone else has some form of cc onhit. Meaning if you werent cced from out of your range (which isn't that far anyways), xin zhao or some other asshat is going to knock you up mid taunt to reduce the duration. Which is only like a second anyways. And he has negligable damage compared to other large aoe tanks, especially at late game, cause his cd is bad, they're all skillshots, and they don't scale well with ap, let alone without. The only plus is that, for an ult, it does a flat 500 aoe magic damage without anybody hitting you. That shit can terrify in the mid game, which is where Galio has his only moment in the limelight. Assuming you weren't bullied in lane (which anybody with range should be doing), or ganked hard (cause you only have one built in escape, which is often used for wave clear or harass, and one possible slow (assuming you can aim))

tl;dr: Galio es numero 50 huehuehuehuehuehuehue
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
oh so that's how you do it?
I was just getting 4 stacks, Q, Q, R -wait- Q :S

Needless to say, making a smurf and using rengar is kinda just a free win

I've decided to get Gragas instead xP
bought ahri and hecarim today. jumped with hecarim straight into a ranked and carried (played him in a free week once, he kinda fits my style.)

but i didnt trusted my ahri skills yet. somehow im playing "badly" with her.. any play tips u guys get? my build and mechanics is fine. just my descision making etc. is a bit bad with her.. (what to do in a teamfight tho.) i was mostly using ult from one to the other side to apply as much dmg as possible, pop W and QE into the mass.
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