Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It's really not hard to get into silver. Like I mentioned before, I have a couple vent buddies trying to get into gold, one who went from bronze 3 to gold 5 in less than 2 weeks with corki, another who's carrying himself out of silver with, of all things, garen, and another who's carrying himself up with anything and everything from silver. And the last two are succeeding, despite being chronically drunk.

Bronze to silver is probably the easiest league to get into, and silver to gold isn't that hard either.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
OH.. Damn..
I won't be able to do that on my own :/

its really not hard to get out of bronze if youre just an "average" player.
it took me 80 wins (160~ games.) to get from Bronze 4 to silver 5. took me like 3-4 weeks. even due i fucked around, had nor real main champ at that time and mainly just played like blindpick with some random champs on my list. (i have about 20 games with alistar and just a 38% win ratio..)

if u stick to your mains u will be in silver quite fast. also as far i know youre still in placement matches, meant u can be placed in like bronze 1-2 and u dont have to climb much then.

also the most of the people i play with have an higher elo than i do. one just got diamond a few days ago, and i play quite "alot" with him tho.. (also its funny to play in a blindpick normal against a diamond 1 mid lane :d)
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
if u stick to your mains u will be in silver quite fast. also as far i know youre still in placement matches, meant u can be placed in like bronze 1-2 and u dont have to climb much then.

I would argue that sticking with your mains is a surefire way to get stuck in a league for long period of time. Play the champion you're comfortable with, and suits the game at the time. I don't main leona or sona as supports, but I know how to play them to the point of comfort, and they're good champs to know as counterpicks and role filling. Likewise, I don't have any real mains for mid, top, jungle, or adc because they're so many more picks and counterpicks available for these roles that just blindly picking a champion because it's your main is a really easy way to get yourself locked into a bad laning phase or bad team comp. Being fluid lets you be the stronger last pick, should you be that person. Nothing is worse than an all-in comp who's last player locks in somebody like nidalee because "it's my main".

As an example, I don't like playing rumble, but I recognize he's a strong aoe team comp champ, heavy lane bully, and good for separating an enemy team. If I see we have heavy assassins or heavy dive, rumble is a strong choice for the separation or dive aspects of his kit, respectively. Even better if they pick a snowballing top with weak early levels, like trynd or chogath, cause then my kit fits all levels of the game. However, if my team is heavy disengage or siege comp, rumble is probably a bad pick because his kit is strongest with all-ins or freight train comps.

tl;dr: mains are a horrible idea. Get good with several champs to fit every team comp. I've played 5 games of ranked solo and 5s and haven't played a single champion twice. I never anticipate playing any champion more than 10 times after a hundred games, solely because I expect less than 10% of my games to share anything near identical teamcomps. At best, if I played only the support, I would only expect around 25-35 games out of a hundred being the same champ because of picks, bans, and low champ pools that fit the role.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I would argue that sticking with your mains is a surefire way to get stuck in a league for long period of time. Play the champion you're comfortable with, and suits the game at the time. I don't main leona or sona as supports, but I know how to play them to the point of comfort, and they're good champs to know as counterpicks and role filling. Likewise, I don't have any real mains for mid, top, jungle, or adc because they're so many more picks and counterpicks available for these roles that just blindly picking a champion because it's your main is a really easy way to get yourself locked into a bad laning phase or bad team comp. Being fluid lets you be the stronger last pick, should you be that person. Nothing is worse than an all-in comp who's last player locks in somebody like nidalee because "it's my main".

As an example, I don't like playing rumble, but I recognize he's a strong aoe team comp champ, heavy lane bully, and good for separating an enemy team. If I see we have heavy assassins or heavy dive, rumble is a strong choice for the separation or dive aspects of his kit, respectively. Even better if they pick a snowballing top with weak early levels, like trynd or chogath, cause then my kit fits all levels of the game. However, if my team is heavy disengage or siege comp, rumble is probably a bad pick because his kit is strongest with all-ins or freight train comps.

tl;dr: mains are a horrible idea. Get good with several champs to fit every team comp. I've played 5 games of ranked solo and 5s and haven't played a single champion twice. I never anticipate playing any champion more than 10 times after a hundred games, solely because I expect less than 10% of my games to share anything near identical teamcomps. At best, if I played only the support, I would only expect around 25-35 games out of a hundred being the same champ because of picks, bans, and low champ pools that fit the role.

well then we are quite diffrent. i have about 3 champs or more for each role i am comfortable with. i would say there is no real look at the teamcomp in silver tbh. i mostly look on my own lane, and try to pick a champ out of my personal pool who counters/fits the best with the matchup i am against. so that i am sure that i win atleast my lane and can help out my team. how the late game goes is a diffrent thing then.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
I just play Rengar top and try to outplay my opponent. If I fail, then I farm till 6 and roam with my ult.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
corki is sleeper op right now. He was still really strong when they reduced his mana costs, but the trinity force change makes him even stronger than before. He does surprisingly well with a trinity force and sorc boots, cause he gets armor shred from e, magic damage poke scaling off ad and ap for r, and true damage passive, means he has hella burst in mid game, with high damage output late game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
corki is sleeper op right now. He was still really strong when they reduced his mana costs, but the trinity force change makes him even stronger than before. He does surprisingly well with a trinity force and sorc boots, cause he gets armor shred from e, magic damage poke scaling off ad and ap for r, and true damage passive, means he has hella burst in mid game, with high damage output late game.

Uh what I quite like about corki his spells do a shitload of damage early to mid and that his passive wrecks in late