Did you even listen to it ? The song lasts almost 4 minutes and you posted 1 minute after me.. thanks for rating anyway lol
Originally Posted by Pchekinko View Post
Did you even listen to it ? The song lasts almost 4 minutes and you posted 1 minute after me.. thanks for rating anyway lol

It was actually meant for the guy before you. But we posted almost at the same time.
I like Dire Straits
Swetaros: Stop liking the same type of music as me :u

Also some dnb to break the combo

oh yeah
5/10 They have a decent beat, but are forgettable. 2:22 seconds is pretty cool though.

This is also quite repetative.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 17, 2012 at 04:55 PM.
You got to be kidding me right!
Really don't like the artist. Sorry.

Even for Serj that chorus is just horrible. I think this is Serj's worst work since SOAD disbanded.


That's generous considering I absolutely hate SOAD and the members with the exception of 2 songs.
What does the artist have to do with the song? It's not rate the artist. It's rate the song. I could have just given Serj the artist a 0, but I gave the song a 2, because it's interesting, anyways.

Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 18, 2012 at 01:36 AM.
You got a point, this is the worst album I've ever heard of Serj...
(beginning to go more and more into a more dubstep version)

Not bad...chilled
