[QUOTE=vespesi3n;5323278]if i randomly showed up outside your house, whimpering and naked, would you let me in and cook me carrot cake, then give m/f?
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I have a question - why do users see Vox as God?
Like, don't take it the wrong way, but why has he became the benchmark for ultimate power on here? :|

He has banned a a good amount of recognized trolls and made himself more prominent than other ninjas by doing so.
But I still treat every staff equally:

Vox = skulfuk = hanz0 = suomynona
Last edited by Hero; Mar 26, 2012 at 11:14 AM.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I have a question - why do users see Vox as God?
Like, don't take it the wrong way, but why has he became the benchmark for ultimate power on here? :|

It's ok skul, no need to worry, I still think that mansack is almighty powerful.....that's sounds kinda gay though but what the hell

Also why are people afraid of Vox and hanz0? It's not like he can physically shove a lightsaber in your ass (a joyous experience actually). Yea their vocabulary could turn your brain into soup but that just a level of comprehending :3

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Why no one thinks that I am scary? Damn, never underestimate an old man, I'm not half as nice as you think

But tbh, Vox isn't that scary, I really like that guy. At least no one at staff is really scary (ok, SkulFuk is a little weird and hanz0, uhm, at least he isn't human)
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Originally Posted by ViperTech View Post
Why no one thinks that I am scary? Damn, never underestimate an old man, I'm not half as nice as you think

But tbh, Vox isn't that scary, I really like that guy. At least no one at staff is really scary (ok, SkulFuk is a little weird and hanz0, uhm, at least he isn't human)

If this helps, I wouldn't wanna fight pu in judo at my current skill level :3

Also, Pablo, what kinda question is that XD

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Originally Posted by pabblopic View Post
do staff members have big penises?

Do staff infract such silly stuff? YES!

Really, this thread is for serious question (most of the time), not for such b***sh** (self-censoring)
Check my Soundcloud ;)
I think people are afraid because they seem so respected and known. Either way, for me it's because I haven't met them in-game or on IRC (in a nice way at least)

A perfect example of this is like.....Marcus! Or even Dr_Strangelove.

I thought they both were pretty agitated mods and stuff. For Marcus, I met him in his betting server, had a great time and now I think he's fucking awesome! Same goes for Dr. Met him in game talked a little and boom. He's fine in my books. My opinion would probably be swayed if I had met hanz0 or vox in game or in an irc channel. But yeah. Long story short is: We fear them because we haven't met them and we mainly only see them closing/insulting people. (Which is pretty great in my opinion) But yeah...

/Wall O' Text
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
Same goes for Dr. Met him in game talked a little and boom.

I don't even know what that means, but I'm leaving it for my imagination.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
I don't even know what that means, but I'm leaving it for my imagination.

I suppose they hit it off an became friends and whatnot :3. Y'know, got to know each other

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