Endurance Onslaught 6.0
TSM BJERGSEN FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH BITCHES. Also fuck NIP dude, I miss the old roster. Svenskeren, bjerg, TheTess, Deficio, and Godbro

(my name is soren also so im kinda a fanboy)
Really like burgerking, he shit on Hai a bunch yesterday when I was watching him and Dyrus stream. Pretty much the same 6 or 7 people for 4 or 5 games in a row when Dyrus was duoqing with wildturtle. It was Dyrus, Wildturtle, Hai, Meteos, Bjergsen, Chaox, and a few others in the same game pretty much every time.

pentameter with vayne

much penta such wow

Last edited by Faint; Nov 4, 2013 at 01:06 AM.
Hey guys, Asama from the OCE here. (Video editor for the DuoTwins)

I'm hosting a riot point giveaway in order to gain subscribers for my personal channel which will most likely feature LoL content if this goes down successfully. From what I understand, I believe the codes I bought in Australia are valid in North America as it worked for me vice versa when I played on the NA server.

The giveaway will be in the form of a video being aired at a random time, with the codes of all these cards being revealed. Quickest people to see the video and copy the codes get them, simple as that. Most of my subscribers are Australian so I'll try to do it in a time frame in which both regions have an equal chance of seeing the video. (Not revealing it)
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
I find Nasus to be fun to play with, a pain in the ass to play against.

If you play Nasus: stack Q, stack Q, stack Q, stack Q, make the best of your jungler ganks, stack Q, be a tanky beast late game with 500-600 damage every 2-3 seconds + constant damage from ultimate and sunfire.

If you play against Nasus: watch him stacking Q like a pro, more Q stacking, you try to harass him and he gets health back like nothing happened, you fall asleep during lane phase while he continues to Q stack, he's pretty much immortal late game with that damage and the slow. Oh gosh, that slow.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
And nobody played him but me till he was popular, everyone always said he was shit don't pick him.

The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
So close to Gold, yet so far. In Silver 1 and I was at 29 lp this morning, fucked it up and dropped to 0 now. Just going to stop playing ranked this season, there's no hope for gold at this point.

Originally Posted by Faint View Post
So close to Gold, yet so far. In Silver 1 and I was at 29 lp this morning, fucked it up and dropped to 0 now. Just going to stop playing ranked this season, there's no hope for gold at this point.


Tell us that when you're Gold 5 :')
Don't give up Faint, go on Team Summon or look on your leaderboard and try find a decent, consistent duo partner who is also trying to get Gold.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
So close to Gold, yet so far. In Silver 1 and I was at 29 lp this morning, fucked it up and dropped to 0 now. Just going to stop playing ranked this season, there's no hope for gold at this point.


I feel you, but no.. Being successful is a choice. You're choosing to back down, Stand back up, and go for it again. Gold may seem far away, but at least it's worth a shot. You may miss, but you'll get closer and closer to your target.You cannot expect the best of Silver 1, I know, it's hard for me too atm getting 11 lp and losing it the next 2 games, but just keep going.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
I feel you, but no.. Being successful is a choice. You're choosing to back down, Stand back up, and go for it again. Gold may seem far away, but at least it's worth a shot. You may miss, but you'll get closer and closer to your target.You cannot expect the best of Silver 1, I know, it's hard for me too atm getting 11 lp and losing it the next 2 games, but just keep going.

I'm fine at silver 1, I'd rather not screw it up more and drop to silver 2 or silver 3 before the season ends, it's just annoying to not be able to get the gold+ prizes when I'm so close.