Original Post
[Event] Keep me entertained and win TC and stuff!
Ok so I'm getting a bit bored now and I have TC that I don't care about, so why not just waste it on an event?

Event objective:

So, all you have to do is keep me entertained. Can be with a joke, funny image, random shit, videos and even suggest TV series or good games to play ( the last two have a bigger chance of winning, but it's not definitive).

Prizes are:

20k - 1st place
14.5k - 2nd place
3rd place - can be happy he got 3rd place

Note: Prizes may change/be divided between winners if I deem it worthwhile.

Note: I am not easily amused/entertained.

Deadline : 26 June 2012 ( a week from now)


1. No lame kiddie games/jokes.
2. Don't steal another person's idea.
3. Don't steal/repeat another person's post.
4. Spoiler tags are optional and even suggested for images.
5. Don't ask me anything since I'm too lazy to answer.
6. Don't PM me since I'm too lazy to reply.
6.5. Have fun!

Also there are no stuff to win. I lied. It's only TC.
This is very boring. Zalmoxis has been inactive for a month.
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Bored. kdot.
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Try out this hobby:

Model rockets. They take a lot of precision to make and once they're made (as long as its made correctly) they go about 600 feet in the air with the weakest engine provided. They're cheap online or at a hobby store, you would need a starter kit (it costs around $20-50) and engines are one-time use. It's okay, because A engines (the weakest engine) are $2 each. If you really want to get crazy and see some shit blow up, put gasoline or lighter fluid in a plastic Baggie, place it on top of the engine under the nose cone, and light it off. When the rocket reaches its top height it will explode like a mo'fucker!

Anyways, try it out. It's addicting.
games and stuff
so play these games, amnesia, calling, ao oni, and happy wheels. also, go on youtube and type these games in. you should see pewdiepie play the games (ps, hes fucking funny) you may give me any amount of tc you want