View Poll Results: Chance on becoming offical?
Chance on Becoming Offical?
26 Votes / 81.25%
How the DSC looks?
11 Votes / 34.38%
If you have think this clan has skill?
12 Votes / 37.50%
Do the LDR/Co R great leaders
11 Votes / 34.38%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll
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You can't just post your clan threads in clan discussion. Everything has to be kept to one [DSC] topic until you get official clan forum where you can make many threads.
matt keep doing it..

i just played with him and i think he will do this shit even more..[8 years old kid]
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
I am 14 and i didnt see the post so srry .sigma get off my DSC u stalk this clan or sometin
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Originally Posted by Matt21211 View Post
I am 14 and i didnt see the post so srry .sigma get off my DSC u stalk this clan or sometin

you started the war =/

and here is a pro monkeh replay i made ;3

Attached Files
the pro monkey.rpl (163.2 KB, 6 views)
Originally Posted by Matt21211 View Post
Well if u see me in game ill test u and i tell u what to do

great i fought with xxxhjhxxx today, and he said i should be elite ranked, but would like to meet you in game.

by the way, sry for that post about replays. posted it in the wrong thread for some strange reason -.-'' well anyways, just deleted it.
i will not say that i'm a pro. i'm just having fun :D
Belt: 2nd dan bout to be 3rd dan
Why u wanna join clan: i like this caz we can be vey gud fighters
Why u like clan: i like this clan caz it seem like its cool
Whats your Fav MOD: wushu or True Wolverine
Last edited by folk101; Nov 1, 2009 at 01:13 AM.
Belt: 3rd Dan
Why u wanna join clan: I need a good and strong clan to join.
Why u like clan: I see a lot of experienced players in this clan and i dont see this clan dying anytime soon.
Whats your Fav MOD: Wushu, insta-feet (With wushu rules)
Why u wanna join clan:gud fighters
Why u like clan:seem like ppl aight in it
Whats ur fav Mod:instabigfeet,true wolverine,akido
invited by:no1