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Nabi's Christmas Main Event.
Nabi's Christmas Main Event.
Christmas time will be here in just over 1 month so i have setup 2 special matches to celebrate it with Toribash.

Nabi's Christmas Main Event.

Top 6 Players will be announced on the 16th of December

the Main Event will consist of
1vs1 x1 Judo : January 6th at 0200GMT

2vs2 x1 Wushu- Judo REMOVED

:Both events will be 1 hr long in an every man for himself fight for the most points.
:There will be spectating allowed, but anyone who is being offensive or complaining will be removed.
:There is to be no swearing at other players or racism at all.
:If the competitor is unable to attend at the Event he/she is in they may find a replacement player of there choice.
:If you donate and do not really have the amount or cannot pay you will be removed from this tournament permanently.

1vs1: LARGE AMOUNT OF TC 175k & ELF SET!!!!

"Lets Get It On"
NabiTourney Host

The 6 Donators
ronalds PAID
1,000,000 PAID
Patrick_Unrated PAID
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Jan 4, 2008 at 04:31 AM.
lol your paying real cheap considering YOU CANT WEAR ELF YET, you have to be master belt to wear it, unless you win it through this tournament.

in the end the price you guys are paying for the privileges and full set its a great deal
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
What happens to the people that haven't paid? Are you going to kick hem out soon, and try to get more people quickly?

2007-12-16 16:05:13 To - Kai-Tiger -16100 Transfer
Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
why do the prizes go to the person who competes?


worst question ever...

why wouldn't the prizes go to the people go the people who actually played, earned the wins, showed up at the right times, and fought hard for the prize? oh that's right, because that would make no sense...
I r Batdude.
I say ronalds just fights for him self.... The only rules that says he can get someone new is that if he signed up, and then finds out he can't play.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Total Cookies Gained: 1
I didnt understand the rules properly, now i get them. I will fight for myself now.

when are we gonna find out what time it is at?
do we all have to post our time zones?
to make this go faster pm each other a suitable time to organize it and ill host it no matter when it is

Isha and Xero should be able to easily get a time organized
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
ronalds, if you suck so bad you shouldn't have signed up, now you are basically hiring a goon to win for you and then you're pissed for not getting the prize, why would you get a prize for doing nothing? if Rave wins he should get the prize. simple as that

this was already handled, you're just creating more problems...
Last edited by isha; Dec 20, 2007 at 08:47 PM.
I r Batdude.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
ronalds, if you suck so bad you shouldn't have signed up, now you are basically hiring a goon to win for you and then you're pissed for not getting the prize, why would you get a prize for doing nothing? if Rave wins he should get the prize. simple as that

Idiotic. I might have made a little mess, but there is no need to try and make it personal.
I really can't be arsed to point out all the things that are wrong about what you just said. I could write a mini essay about them, but there really is no point. The irony is, that this actual post is becoming a mini essay which makes me look very hyporcytical. But i just thought i might as well keep on typing for fun. But next time read all my posts before you decide to make comment on anything.
Originally Posted by isha View Post
this was already handled, you're just creating more problems...

Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
Idiotic. I might have made a little mess, but there is no need to try and make it personal.
I really can't be arsed to point out all the things that are wrong about what you just said. I could write a mini essay about them, but there really is no point. The irony is, that this actual post is becoming a mini essay which makes me look very hyporcytical. But i just thought i might as well keep on typing for fun. But next time read all my posts before you decide to make comment on anything.

my point exactly
I r Batdude.