Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Local Moderator Applications
Hi everyone!

This where you can apply to moderate a specific board. Go ahead and post your applications right here in the thread. You can apply for any board in General or Toribash forums. No market boards, no clan boards, no elerk.


That said,


Local Moderator Application

Please answer all questions as truthfully as possible, in your best English. We will ignore any applications that were obviously not well thought-out or taken seriously.

1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.


If you'd like to vouch for an applicant, feel free to PM me with your comments or recommendations regarding them. If I receive PMs that are obviously spam OR multiaccounting, they will be ignored and the applicant may be turned down. This part of the process will end when we decide, but you can count on it being up for at least a week.

Thanks and good luck!
Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:08 PM.
1. 21

2. a.) Almost two years
b.) I would say one and a half years

3. a.) GMT +2
b.) 6pm to 1am on normal days, 3pm to 2am on weekends, holidays, etc.

4. Seven hours.

5. Beginner Sanctuary or Support

6. I look over this boards a few times a day and I like helping people.

7. I was a local mod in Wibbles.
a.) Watching that the few rules that there are, don't get broken.
b.) Most of the time quite good, though I got two or three warnings from Hamster for deleting threads.
c.) Well, Wibbles became calmer and Hamster didn't needed so many Wibblecops anymore.

8. Nah, I don't think so. <.<

Fura: What can I say? The pure definition of cool <3 ~BirdFlu

<RedDevil> Is it strange that Fura is the only regular Wibbler I like
Ohey look over there, a dancing dinosaur. :D
hanz0: The betting bot isn't programmed to scam anyone.

Fee: Fura you are fucking awesome.
1. How old are you?15 This year we celebrated 16 xD

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?approximately 2 years and active in forums 1 ½

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?GM 3
Argentina in the evening hours on weekdays ,and a time in the morning
Saturdays and Sundays long time
4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
whenever I connect to Toribash, I go to the forums,weekdays are 3 or 4 hours per day

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I'd like to catch the bad people who cheat and trap in the game
6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
for the reasons mentioned in the question above

7. ¿Tiene alguna experiencia previa en la moderación de los foros / gestión los usuarios? Si es así, a.) ¿Cuáles eran sus responsabilidades, b.) La evolución cree que lo hizo su trabajo, y c) Si te fuiste, ¿por qué lo hace? no xD!

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Well, I'm not perfect I have my user errors and mistakes as all humans but
I want to do justice and not let people be cheated, insulted without repercussions
, What I notice is that in the game chat nobody pays attention to what happens, or say I fix that, a lot of spam, trolling in the game chat
I'm honest, I was very wrong with the English but I speak Spanish and understand a little Portuguese, I also want to help people to cope with the new forum
I have friends who are united clans [DSC]and never entered the forum of the clan
simply because it does not sap
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
a) One to two years.
b) About a year or so.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
a) GMT+2 without DST
b) From 8:00/10:00 to 22:00/23:00 on weekdays, depends on when I'm about to pass out from exhaustion on weekends.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
None at all, aside from the links I see on IRC. Before I forfeited my positions, I usually refreshed my tab on RT every 10 minutes or so.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Rapid Threads and Computer Chat.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
Rapid Threads seems like the place where all the other people who don't know anything dumb stupid threads from other places, when they should be deleted, and/or shoved into HoS/Wibbles.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
a) Market Squad member, local mod on: RT, CC, Suggestions, Market before Market Squad. I might be missing some, too.
b) I wasn't really active on half of the boards since the higher ups decided it was a great idea to shove boards that already had enough moderators on my shoulders to see if I was able to "handle it". Not like they actually supervised anything I did, which was mostly nothing outside of RT, CC and Suggestions.
c) You'd just have shoven worse and worse boards on me for no reason, without my consent.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
You guys should use common sense sometimes, or atleast hold through on what you plan to do.
1. How old are you? 14

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? about 3-4 yearsb.) How long have you been active on the forums? ~2009

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? USA Eastern b.) At what times of day are you generally active? 4:30-7:00 PM

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? 1 hour (on average)

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Art

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? Because I enjoy and create art myself.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so? No

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here. Not really, but i do go on wibbles alot if it matters (thats why i have a low post count)
1. 14 (15 in 9 days)

2. a.) June 2008 b.) As long as I am active ingame, I am active on the forums

3. a.) Pacific Standard time b.) 4: 30 pm
4. I skim for about 15 minutes, if something interests me, I post.

5. Gaming chat/ Beginner

6. I play a lot of games/ I like helping beginners and new people

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) I was a Clan moderator for Marine Force Recon b.) I would think I did my job well, I left when I became a little more inactive.

8. I use comma's waaaay too much.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
1. How old are you? im 13

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? Ive been playing toribash since Nov. 2009
b.) How long have you been active on the forums? since i found out how to do everything(im still learning)

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? Central Time zone usa
b.) At what times of day are you generally active? From 4:00 p.m. to like 7:00 or 8:00 p.m.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? 30 min. to an hour

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Anything you might need me for

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? Because im just trynna help out

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Im mostly playing the game and when im in queu i usually check the forums.
you yo daddy son
1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
a) I have been active for 1 year.
b) I have been active in forums for 6 months
3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
a) GMT -5 Central time zone usa
b) From 5:00pmto 8:00pm on weekdays,It depends on if I have anything to do but I am mostly on from 1:00pm to 10:00pm

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
I spend 6 hours a day on the forums, depends on what I have to do on that day.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I would like to moderate the Art Board
6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I would like to join the Art Boart because I like Art. I also like to look at aother peoples work. In real life I am also like an Artist, Well not really but i would like to become one. Art is a stange thing for me. I would also like to judge peoples art work. If you dont choose me for this. I would like to be put in a spot where you need more help.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
Well Honestly no.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Well in real life my name is Donte'. I like to think things throught before I actually do it. I am a very nice person and I like to conversate with people. I like listening to other peoples ideas and see what they think about things. If I do get chosen as a moderate of the board. I will make sure to make a diffrence.
Last edited by Sil; Apr 12, 2010 at 11:27 PM.
I'm back :)
1. How old are you?: 13 .. 14 in jan.6

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? : March 2010, please don't judge me on how long i've been here or how much posts i have, because i am aware of the rules and regulations in toribash.
b.) How long have you been active on the forums?: After i joined in a couple of days.
3. a.) What timezone do you live in?: Current time zone offset:UTC/GMT +3 hourshttp://timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=34

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?: 5:00 or 4: 30pm on
weekdays till whenever i stop, usually about 2 or 3 hours.. On weekends, whenever i'm free, so random times.. Usually i stay on for 1 to 6 hours.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?:on weekdays till whenever i stop, usually about 2 or 3 hours.. On weekends, whenever i'm free, so random times.. Usually i stay on for 1 to 6 hours.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?: Beginner Sanctuary-Art-Tutorials-Support... mostly Support, but i don't have any problem moderating in others

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?: I know a couple of things about technical problems and i like solving technical problems.. Also i have previous experience in them. I think Support is a really important board, becuase it solves all problems, and usually people with little knowledge about technical issues will need a lot of help. Support needs to be checked and cleaned from all spams and useless comments because people should me able to easily maneuver through posts.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, : Yes
a.) What were your responsibilities, I was once owner of a forums, and also i was a moderator in a whole forum i had to organize threads and posts, make sure everything is where it should be, and people are following the rules in their individual posts.
b.) How well do you think you did your job, and : I think i did my job(s) very well, the owner of the forums liked my job, and he(they) thought i was responsible.
c.) If you left, why did you do so?: Because the forums got closed down by the owners.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.: I think you should know that i am very responsible, and i am very picky about things people post, but sometimes i also do things that brake the rules, unconcious that i will get infracted. Other than that, i am good with speaking with people and telling them what they are doing wrong and what they need to work on and why they got infracted/banned. I am not easy on rule-breakers myself..

I know how to code games, but ATM i haven't been coding for months and i don't have programs that i use.
I'm a straight A student in english class. Generally i'm doing very good in school
Last edited by ahmadahmad; Apr 13, 2010 at 06:51 PM.
1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
I was registered 2 years ago.

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
I'm active on forums for about 1 year.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in?
UTC +3/+4

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
14..20 UTC

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
Less than 30 minutes

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Third party

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I'm the most active one on this board. And this board has no moderator for now, scince Blam and Juntalis are inactive. Third party needs qualified moderation and I guess I'm qualified enough.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities,
I'm administrator of russian toribash forum. My zone of intrests is coding for this forum and general moderating.
Last edited by iLLepidus; Apr 13, 2010 at 03:17 PM.