Original Post
Minibash v.0.1
We are beta testing a new flash game for the forum and iPhone.

Please post any suggestions or bugs in this thread.

Ok, fixed the first bugs:
- Training Strength menu wasn't updating correctly
- You didn't get your account - it should say your username in the top right corner
Last edited by hampa; Aug 1, 2011 at 09:18 AM.
Pretty fun game I feel just a noob as I did when I started TB though, since I had no clue how to control the body. However, it was a lot easier to learn something worthwhile.
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As we all know Hampa didn't study well, so I'd have to explain myself: μ is the si prefix for micron. And to compare, one millimeter is one thousand micrometer.
Let's say Toribash is 1 centimeter. That would make it 10.000 times larger than μBash.

The current Toribash setup is 13,5 megabytes in size, doing simple math, with the consideration of μBash being 10.000 times smaller. Rounded down the μBash would be 1 kilobyte in size.

And for the lame idiots the name would spell: You Bash.
Last edited by Lancelite; Aug 1, 2011 at 06:35 PM.
one complain.
Insane Kick Power.
I kicked some dude really slow(VERY REALLY)and he flew in the other corner instantly.
you messed up gravity a bit.
[My rank: 5.006]
[Ratio: 87%]
I really enjoy the game, very good, not exactly like toribash, but in the same style.

Very addictive.
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