Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I absolutely love it!

Can you do one more thing please.

Can you make the avatar in a different pose, I know it's a pain (I'll pay 45k).

It's just that, when the avatar and the signature are in the same pose, it looks half-ass.

LLDN: Haha, My pleasure.

As always you're welcome again.


Edit: Whow, Ninja'd.

Just arrived from my gf too, awesome timing Chaco.

No problem, for the price you are paying...I'll be your bitch...

Thank you, I really enjoy the forum pack.

Also, don't be my bitch, be my friend <3
Avvy or Sig (both?): Avvy
Size (Regular, Tp or Vip?):Reg.
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):Tori
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):5TC

Sending 45k now

EDIT: For your records...

You've sent 45000 toricredits to Tamashii

Man, you are welcome back ANY time.

Also, people...I can make animated sigs too now, but It'll cost.

I'm ready for more requests.
Hm, It's to be expected as the Image itself is 4mb in size, because of all the frames, images size (max vip lel) and the animation itself.

I could make "upload" faster by making it lower quality, of course the downside is pretty obvious.

Quality = Size
Last edited by Fenris; May 24, 2012 at 06:16 PM.