Well thank you, and I'd agree.

There was a time where I often attempted skeets, it just seems a bit excessive at this point.

Here's a new replay
Attached Files
Chaco-D- Spin of destruction.rpl (151.3 KB, 37 views)
Much cnc, thanks guys.

New decap, transition to pose is a bit sloppy, decap itself is simple.
Attached Files
Spin of destruction: your movement looked kind of weird, the pose looked bad, but the decap was solid and the spin was nice.

Im gonna cut you down: again, the movement looked weird, but the pose was better.
Originally Posted by Chaco View Post
transition to pose is a bit sloppy


I feel like you could have done alot more in both of these replays, rather than just stopping at the decap, also do a couple of spins before you drop straight into the fly-kick set up, It will look way better.
transition was horofic.

as for your movement, there were a lot of really jerky moments. They weren't twitches but your arm moved halfway up or down and then stopped and then kept going and it just looked really unappealing.
You should try to jerk less in your movement as that makes it look bad.
I hate when new cnc givers come at times of a bad replay or two.

But I greatly appreciate it at the same time, I'd be very appreciative of you if you were to check out some previous replays.

Thanks bbys. bbies looks weird.
I'm new to tricking don't judge.

Wait, judge. That is exactly what this thread is for.
Attached Files
Chaco-T- Raise my flag.rpl (329.7 KB, 28 views)
you killed your flow alot, but you had a few nice sweeps, it was kinda hard to judge, it seemed a bit off, in a way.
also with the amount of frames left you could have done a nice standing pose.
Chaco spars?

Occasionally. Poor, poor Budai.


Such title pun.
Attached Files
Chaco-S- Kickin it with Budai.rpl (622.0 KB, 33 views)
Ill cnc the tricking replay, I didnt like how you held soo much it made your flow die. The tricks themselfs were good. Yeah.
all i know how to say to a trickinmg replay