I am here to tell you that i am giving leadership to shire. We have some few members in this clan and practicly no one is ever online except tomiii shire and crazy. We are the only four posting in this thread. I am quiting to tell you that i am going to be offline for like 2 months my grades are falling and i need to catch up.
Plz close this thread
And shire make a new one if u want to or give someone else the leadership]
i just seen that i can't play toribash without DR so now i am quitting Platinum 4 eva
so don't be pissed of on me this means u mich bu i am just not ready to join a other clan than DR
Last edited by plomaster2; Mar 17, 2009 at 02:50 PM.
Pointless signatures are written in white.
we didnt pay and i won't pay u pay the 30k if u want but im out

i want sdfadf as co ldr for my place he is a gd leader
Last edited by micho; Mar 17, 2009 at 05:18 PM.
wat mich!!! k me and shire and sdfadf
shire official leader, me leader, sdfadf co-leader
hows that sound mich...?
and i will make new thread.
byeee mich btw how much did we need to be official??