i got 18860tc, 128 head, right bicep and tricep, left bicep and tricep, stomach texture for hunter force
id like to join you in this store
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
Originally Posted by Yiazmat View Post
i only have 13k D:

add an item or 2?

Originally Posted by PokaDot View Post
512 headtexture for warrior relax

HELL no.

Originally Posted by PokaDot View Post
id like to join you in this store

With your previous offer? HELL no.
i got 18860tc, 128 head, right bicep and tricep, left bicep and tricep, stomach texture for hunter force
Originally Posted by PokaDot View Post
i was jking bout relax

In that case it was a useless post and you should know that's against forum rules

Originally Posted by Yiazmat View Post
Okay, 13k + copper torso for Supernova lax.

More pls

Originally Posted by AnTaJl View Post

You offer.

Will respond tomorrow, going to bed. Night all!
Just a note to everyone i am currently buying any items you have, you offer first, or i'll ignore your posts.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do