Shit son, that look is hilarious!

Like a mix between Brad Pitt, Hitler & Eminem



This place has a phantom page!!!! OMG!!!!1111!!!

Down right corner! There's a page 134!!!!11111 OMG!!!!!!111 Call 911!!!!!
Im straight thuggin gents, showing off my piece at the arcade

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Hey man, th-that piece you got right got, y'know, a fatass wire hangin out of it man, y'know? Al-al-also bro, it's its kinda, it's kinda blue bro. You might, you might wanna get a refund

I typed it the se exact way I said it, stutter and all : D
Originally Posted by UltraCash View Post
Hey man, th-that piece you got right got, y'know, a fatass wire hangin out of it man, y'know? Al-al-also bro, it's its kinda, it's kinda blue bro. You might, you might wanna get a refund

I typed it the se exact way I said it, stutter and all : D

do you have a fucking speech impediment? you do realize that's not funny and actually annoying as fuck
my pedostache is a fine example of how I CAN'T grow it passed it being thick bum fluff.

I don't rep it anymore.. I actually haven't put a recent photo up in ages. I always just find funny old shit and post it here haha.