Lol nice pics guys ima see If I find any of my new pics
#1 Student in the School of Orkology
Orko|Rob9722|Festus|MRootz|UNDEAD21|Deadlybash|Kun amikaii|
idk if showing myself.
WTF im thinking what can hapen? a peadobear raping me? lol

just guess my age
Last edited by daxter99; Apr 1, 2012 at 08:05 AM.
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
do you have a fucking speech impediment? you do realize that's not funny and actually annoying as fuck

XD a very interesting read, ever heard of not reading it? Simple solution to a non existing problem so cease the bitching

Also Dexter, I'm gonna guess 15. Looks can be deceiving