Am I too cocky to be a tryndamere player?
Here's the situation

>Le me, helping leash blue
>5 man invade, 4-1 trade we lost that
>Apparently our alistar stole the blue they intentionally went for and flashed away like a pro
>I go top back top via teleport
>I get to level 2 before enemy
>I stand still in the middle of the wave and let gangplank hit me
>I get to about 1/2 health, and I hit him 2 twice
>I secretly stack up full fury
>I stand doing nothing again
>Hits me a few times, 1/4 health now
>I turn on him, hit him once
>I Spin in front of him
>I crit his face for the kill


>30 seconds later
>I'm pushing tower, no ward
>get ganked by diana jungle
>walk away from turret
>let her hit me a few times
>health hits 1/4
>I hit her twice and spin
>I crit her face for another kill

Too cocky or just noob luck?
Yeah, I love trynd. He's a weird champ. The lower his health, the less chance of you winning.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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The lower his health, the greater chance of you laughing maniacally when you burst his sorry ass down.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The lower his health, the greater chance of you laughing maniacally when you burst his sorry ass down.

Do u even ult? His ult let's him basically live for an extra 5 seconds. An ignite can fix that but you know, you're still gonna die.


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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Do u even ult? His ult let's him basically live for an extra 5 seconds. An ignite can fix that but you know, you're still gonna die.


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Ill show u tmrw how real men start new year
So I was in a match where Riven and Fiora were on top lane... they got fed as fuck and we won .-.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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