Original Post
Local Moderator Applications
Hi everyone!

This where you can apply to moderate a specific board. Go ahead and post your applications right here in the thread. You can apply for any board in General or Toribash forums. No market boards, no clan boards, no elerk.


That said,


Local Moderator Application

Please answer all questions as truthfully as possible, in your best English. We will ignore any applications that were obviously not well thought-out or taken seriously.

1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.


If you'd like to vouch for an applicant, feel free to PM me with your comments or recommendations regarding them. If I receive PMs that are obviously spam OR multiaccounting, they will be ignored and the applicant may be turned down. This part of the process will end when we decide, but you can count on it being up for at least a week.

Thanks and good luck!
Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:08 PM.
1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
a) almost 2 years
b) same

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
a) UTC +2
b) every day at 18 - 24 UTC

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
depends what day , but usually it is 1 hour or so

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Design Events

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I like art and art events

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
a)i was administrator of past forum of ussr clan
b)i did my job good , i usually give infractions for flood
c)because we move on official forum

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I always online in skype\msn\mirc and you can find me there if you can. Hope i will become one of "Local Moderator's"
Last edited by nPocToCawa; Apr 13, 2010 at 08:32 PM.
|Clan :UssR (co-Leader)|
1. How old are you?

Almost 15.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

I've been playing toribash since December of 2008, and I've been active on the forums since February 2009.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

A) I live in the Southern Pacific timezone, GMT -8.
B) I'm active anywhere from 6 AM to 10 PM.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

3-5 hours on weekdays, 5-9 hours on weekends.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

The Music Chat board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

I've always loved music, and just recently I've discovered a passion for it and I'd like to do something to do with music. I'm up on all the rules of the music board, and I will enforce them well.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

I have experience moderating my clan board and I've been aware that I'm a Tutorials board moderator for a couple minutes.
A) I made sure the basic rules of the forum were followed, and deleted or reported any clan board invaders/spammers. I haven't done anything in the Tutorials board yet, but what is expected of me is that I should enforce the Tutorial board rules, and close any spam, request threads, or already existing tutorials.

B) I did my job as well as it could be done when it was needed.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Last edited by Nathan; Apr 14, 2010 at 12:54 AM.
1. How old are you?
1.Im 18 years old.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
2. a.) I have been playing toribash since 2 years.

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
b.) 1 year active. Now Im almost everyday active. I usually stay offline maximum for 7hs a day.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in?
a.) Argentina, Buenos Aires -8 GMT

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
b.) Im very active.
Forums: Monday's to Sunday's. ( At least 15hs a day )
Ingame: I can only go ingame on Saturday's. ( Active ingame and forums all day )

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
Work Days: 170s minimum
Weekend: The 20hs or more maximum.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I would like to moderate the Support board or Beginner Sanctuary board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

6.Well some people don't understand the rules. ( Scams, ignoring rules, etc )
I like to help people when they have a problem and I do my best to solve it.
I can even stay all night trying get the answer to that problem. I have passed this year helping my friends and my clan allies with their problems, and I have helped some toribashians in the support board. (For example: Nos, ArielRulez(ArielHunt), etc )

7. No I haven't moderated any boards.
Last edited by BioEx; Apr 14, 2010 at 04:49 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
1. How old are you?
I'm 16 years old.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
a.) I have been playing Toribash for about 1.5 years.

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
b.) About a year. I'm online everyday though.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in?
a.) Central Time.

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
b.) I usually get on around 3 or 4 pm, and I'm on until I go to sleep. Which is usually around 12 am ~ 4 am. On Mondays I get on around 9 pm though. I have band practice.
4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
I spend an average of 8 hours a day. I can't give a good estimate of weekend lengths, as they're fairly inconsistent. Sometimes I'm on all day, other time not at all.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I'd like to moderate the Replay board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
A lot of people post multiplayer/single player replays in the wrong forum. Some ignore the basic guidelines of the thread. Honestly, I don't think the current moderators are very active in the Replay forum. Tamer0 is the main moderating force, but he's busy with events and other stuff, so he's not there all of the time. Closely behind Tamer0 in activity is Marco, but he's not exactly always on either. And the other moderators, I haven't seen moderate at all. I've also got a good grasp of the rules in the Replay forum and subforums. I have to refrain from "backseat modding" many times; being a moderator would let me actually do something about it.

7. I have no previous moderating experience.
1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums
A) Since 2007.
B) I'm pretty Active, I take a break for 1-2 weeks once every 3 months or so, nothing too big.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
A) Pacific (-8 GMT)
B) 11 PM GMT (3 PM PST) - 6 AM GMT (10 PM PST) are the times I'll be on, on weekends I might be on anytime from 8 pm GMT (Noon) to 10 AM GMT.. so yeah.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
An hour or two.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Gaming, or Music.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I play a decent amount of Games, and I'm addicted to music.
I know an okay to decent amount about gaming and music.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

I used to be a 10 man, sometimes 25 man raid Leader in world of warcraft (lol).
A) I had to put together 9 other people including myself, to kill shit. I had to decide if they were good enough to do it, if we have too many of a certain class, explain to them how a fight would work.
B)We were the 2nd most progressed raid group in my guild, out of 4, and the only reason we weren't first was because I took 9 other people that weren't as good, or as geared as the people in the 1st group. We weren't miles behind either, the 1st group got 10 bosses down, while we got 9 bosses down.
C) I left because the guild fell apart due to drama, and ever since then, haven't really wanted to lead another raid group.

I tried to use as little warcraft talk as possible, if you want me to explain something more just ask.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I joke around in wibbles, but I know how to control power, and I understand that wibbles is for screwing around, but other boards are not.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
1. How old are you?- Im 15

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?- Ive been playing TB for about 5 months and ive been active on the forums for about 4 months

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?- I dont know axactly what time zone im in but i live in florida and im usualy on from 2:00pm - 5:00pm mon-fri and 11:00am - 4:00pm sat & sun sometimes later

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?- i spend all my time on the forum but i play ingame at the same time so i go back to back

5. Which board would you like to moderate?- I would like to moderate requests

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? - Because ive seen some things on there that some other mods dont take care of and its my favorite section so

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?- no i did not have any experience but i think id do well and learn fast about what u need to know about moderating

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Ive had multiple accounts...they are IMking360, TeKu45, PoopHead1, and this one
1. How old are you? I am currently 14 years old.

a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? I've been palying for around 2 years.
b.) How long have you been active on the forums? I've been active here for around a year and a half.

a.) What timezone do you live in? I live in GMT -5
b.) At what times of day are you generally active? I'm usually active after school, at about 4-5 o' clock.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? Usually about an hour, more if I plan on posting.

5. Which board would you like to moderate? I'd like to moderate the Replays board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? I often visit this board, be it to post replays or to view others, and I believe that I could help moderate there because I'm active there.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so,
a.) What were your responsibilities: I've never moderated a forum, but I am in the Sigma clan council, if that counts for anything.
b.) How well do you think you did your job: I think that I do my job quite well.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I don't think that there's anything else I need to say.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
Hi everyone; what follows is your run-of-the-mill congratulatory closing remark, or for the less fortunate a parcel of optimistic hope for the future.

Alrighty, I'll get straight to it- the decision phase is over with! We have added in 90% of our final local moderators already, with the Art board being the only exception. If you can't find yourself at the bottom of the page of the board you applied to, then we regret to say that you weren't selected. With over 150 applicants applying to 12 boards, we were forced to pick the very best for the job, and you should not be discouraged if you aren't in this most selective of groups. We cut a lot of capable people from these positions for the sole reason of crowding and confusion, and for this we are very fortunate that we are not in the opposite situation, that is, hunting and begging people for positions in a community where no one is capable. Thank you!

You must however remember that the decision is final, and no appeals to your position after this post will be accepted or acknowledged.

Once again thank you, and good luck!