right, some progress made

hands still need changing and im thinking of recolouring the top layer of the legs to that rad thing, like on the mask, with a bit of a gradient. and removing that random dark shading bit on the legs... same with the tricpes
im happy with the biceps and head tho

torso ideas? iv never liked them =/ prefer buying torso colours

Last edited by BenDover; Jun 21, 2009 at 01:05 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Amazing BenDover, I'm so glad you participated. Keep up the good work, I'd like to see the rest soon.
collect snots from the nose
Very nice. Are those previews in 128x128 though? If not, I'd like to view it that way, and I trust you'll be making a set, not just a head.
collect snots from the nose
What he meant was, are those previews in 128x128 or higher? If they were higher, he wants to see previews in 128x128.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.

ben, that is a really amazing set.

You should totally withdraw that and sell it for 250k ;)


finished the torso and stomach, but wtf is the right and left pec textures called?

oh yea, and made the triceps match the set.
I can't remember, did you want me to change the thighs too?


follow that please, im too tired to post each individual pic right now.

god im tired...
blah, i hate mornings... especially when you're awake at 2 am >_<

Ed: FUCK i uploaded the wrong pic, that second one isn't for this set, fyi i didn't do anything 'sides the head on that one.

Edit2: got the right one, here
Last edited by ShadoDance; Jun 22, 2009 at 11:27 AM.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Originally Posted by Malvado View Post
What he meant was, are those previews in 128x128 or higher? If they were higher, he wants to see previews in 128x128.

To make this clearer:

Were they drawn out or created in a 128x128 size? If not, can you scale them down and provide screenies.

Also, sorry for double post but i felt it was more useful for the situation.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))