Originally Posted by pro4life View Post
Cassio is soo underplayed

Used to be my main mid champ- got 2 skins for her :')
So fun to either wait in a bush and 100-0 somebody or to turn around when retreating to just nuke the attacker xP
Cassio OP. Got raped by her when I was on Karthus mid lane.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
It starts in champ select. By not selecting them. Both don't really work in the current meta.

But, if you insist.

Swain: RoA or Archangel's for mana issues and core item, in order of preference. Zhonya's, liandry's, voidstaff, spirit visage are all good choices to round it out.

Maokai: tanky as according to team comp. If you can't decide based on that alone, this isn't the right champ for you. Mao functions as a utility tank, so you don't get very much build variation. If you have to cheese it, he does decent ap damage, so a RoA core with deathcap and void can make every bush dangerous.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Tell me about it, I've taken a break from ranked because silver players are absolute horseshit. Take the fucking lantern Yasuo, NO DON'T GO BACK IN ON FULL HEALTH MORG WITH LESS THAN 50 HEALTH ASKDJASJJHLKASJKAFH

Fucker was somehow plat in s3, must have been carried hard.

lol, this. I play my placements against high plats and some diamonds every game. So I get silver 1, I'm not complaining that much considering that is where I ended at last season.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Anyone else noticed this is not pinned anymore?

Also, Thanks but I play TT not SR due to to many newbs in NA
Who needs it pinned anyway, it's always gonna be on top of the board.

Ironically today, I only played bot lane ranked, which is the worst role I can play, especially adc, yet I managed to win 4 out of 5 games.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.