Originally Posted by Sacrafices View Post
so ur telling me if u had like say 20kk and wanted it to transfer you couldnt?

do you acctually know how much money thats worth

Right now I just gained 300k+ TC by just hosting a betting server. 20k TC can be earned whenever you feel like earning it because hampa mentioned Brawl Games in the new Toribash and I'm pretty sure the winner gets TC.

People like Duel, play a lot of Public Games to get TC and play a lot of tournaments to get to 500k TC and you're saying 20k is worth a lot of money.

20k is worth nothing to people who are selling that with real money.
Originally Posted by epoch View Post
You can start over whenever you want, let others that want to keep their items keep them, and if you don't want to, you don't have to.

I think for a new game like this it shouldn't let you transfer items from the old game.
I'm hoping for a new shop just for TBN because a new game there should be new stuff. rose has every item in this game and the new game wouldn't feel new for him and every other rich player so they'll just decide to quit after playing the game for a couple of months.
Last edited by Xaria; Sep 2, 2019 at 09:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
20kk is 20 mil Fyre.

if everything gets reset, It means nobody can sell items in the market that were not earned in TBN. Unless they make it untradeable then I'm fine with it. In fact, that would be my preference

EDIT: Nevermind, they should do a random name generator for 15 items that become transferable or something. Every item is a little insane
Last edited by Stance; Sep 2, 2019 at 10:10 PM.

Ok, i don't have an amazing inventory and i'm not so old or rich on this game, and i know that it's gonna be a little awful to get your account reset in the new game but, ¿ya'll are playing an account or a game?, if ya'll are doing the first, ¿HOW TF DO YOU PLAY AN ACCOUNT I NEED TO KNOW IT HALP?!... now seriously, as a community we are playing a game (or have played it before just viewing the forum and other stuff), and the fact of the game is to improve your abilities on it and have fun doing it by yourself or with friends, ¿why'd ya'll need a lot of old money or items to have fun playing a game?... and i know that could be a bit hard to get 1 mil+ by marketing, dueling, or doing any other but, ya'll gonna lose items and money, not your knew about some logics of the game, so tbh it's gonna be easier for a lot of old players to get his/her money and items back with a little effort... ¿Toribash is that hard to play?, i suck at mp and i still here with my ultra harcore black belt, but i don't think that Toribash is a really hard game... it is funny, with items or without them, that's all.
There were talks about being able to do waky shit with joints. Like a power-up kind of thing. (ex: Make this joint go 10 times faster with an item)

Is this idea being entertained? Ofc as something for fun.
Your messed up world enthrills me
^ something like that would be really entertaining with some mods.
Problem is it would be a disadvantage to poor/new players who cannot afford anything.
Last edited by Xaria; Sep 11, 2019 at 02:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Fyre View Post
^ something like that would be really entertaining with some mods.
Problem is it would be a disadvantage to poor/new players who cannot afford anything.

It can be items that are given to the two players equally, and they decide strategically how to use it and when. Just bear in mind that I'm talking about particular type of servers here, and nothing that I think should be applied to the competitive scene.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
- Ingame inventory and trading

does that mean we can set item duels in game in which the winner gets the items instantly without any forum transactions

would prevent tons of scams
Originally Posted by William View Post
It can be items that are given to the two players equally, and they decide strategically how to use it and when. Just bear in mind that I'm talking about particular type of servers here, and nothing that I think should be applied to the competitive scene.

That seems like a great idea then, different type of limited items you can put in your slot in-game to use them in the fight, but I don't really know how good it would look since you fight with your tori.

I can imagine me using a power-up and appear behind my opponent then go "Omaua Mi Shenderiu" on them lmao... other than that I don't know what else might be effective and cool in battle.

Originally Posted by hash View Post
does that mean we can set item duels in game in which the winner gets the items instantly without any forum transactions

would prevent tons of scams

I'm pretty sure that will be added since it will be a whole new advanced game.
any update? it have been quite a while. we really need an open beta.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .