Welp I got banfired from vibe so this is gonna be my new hangout area. Whats everyone up to lately?
I'm laughing at you for getting kicked from Vibe, like how bad do you have to be for that?

Just kidding ily.
I think I might be retired.
Some people there are cool,but the clan didn't really leave a lot of impression to me.
Also Pidge,it's okay,you're not bad,but you're not good either but.. You're not bad. :^)
Pew Pew. I heard six imaginary bullets come out of that gun, so you only have one left. Lets go. `-`
Vibe used to be great. Idek what happened. I looked at the thread yesterday or smth and it was a mess. Some guys were making an ass of themselves by encouraging an applicant that they were going to deny anyway, some other guy was only posting to get on other people's asses about post quality... It's a sad thing, what's happened to that clan

~~ ~~ ~~

Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Welp I got banfired from vibe so this is gonna be my new hangout area. Whats everyone up to lately?

School and whatnot, of course, but I've been really nuts about guitar, lately. Right now I'm working on learning/improving Decretum and Symposium Magarum, both from the Puella Magi Madoka Magica OST. A little more passively, I've been working on Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2, and even more passively I've been working on Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca. On top of that, I'm learning Music Theory via some textbook I stumbled across on the internet, and I've been trying to look into the theory behind chord progressions, to little avail.
Last edited by pouffy; Oct 20, 2015 at 02:13 AM. Reason: ily pidge
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Pew Pew. I heard six imaginary bullets come out of that gun, so you only have one left. Lets go. `-`

Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Welp I got banfired from vibe so this is gonna be my new hangout area. Whats everyone up to lately?

No way you can even fire an imaginary Magnum .457,my friend.
It's okay,you're bad anyway and Norez is better imo.
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Vibe used to be great. Idek what happened. I looked at the thread yesterday or smth and it was a mess. Some guys were making an ass of themselves by encouraging an applicant that they were going to deny anyway, some other guy was only posting to get on other people's asses about post quality... It's a sad thing, what's happened to that clan

Haven't those things been always happening? Before they even got up to what they are now? Vibe recruited a lot of dumbasses,Idk wth was the reason but the clan turned out bad because of that.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
DiuwayBuns Moderated Message:
I use puns and humor to cover up how horrifically depressed I am inside.