Original Post
Ranking Rewards
Ranks where reset today and here are some updates.

Ranking rewards:
#1 globally ranked player at 23.30 CET will receive 2000 TC * day of the month.

5th of August the reward is 10,000 TC (2,000 TC * 5).
31 of August the reward is 62,000 TC (2,000 TC * 31).

Total amount of TC payed out in August will be 992,000.

Tournament1 to Tournament15 are ranked servers with various mods.

Ranked Black belt servers:
/join ranked2 - Judofrac
/join ranked3 - Lenshu3ng
/join ranked4 - ABD
/join ranked5 - ErthTK
/join ranked6 - Greykido

The GMs and admins will and can experiment with the server setup during the month.

A handy ingame command that list the current top ranked players and their ELO:
/ranking global

View global ranking on the forum:

[Progress 4th Aug]
jack9918 and Zalf have both been on top for the first 4 days.

Zalf has played 116 games as #1
jack9918 has played 141 games as #1

We are keeping track for Elo ranges for future restrictions.
| EloRange | Players |
| 1570-1580 | 3 |
| 1580-1590 | 50 |
| 1590-1600 | 2190 |
| 1600-1610 | 889 |
| 1610-1620 | 54 |
| 1620-1630 | 20 |
| 1630-1640 | 16 |
| 1640-1650 | 8 |
| 1650-1660 | 1 |
| 1660-1670 | 1 |
| 1670+ | 2 |
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 02:29 PM.
Why do I lose 2.6 elo to alts? It's kinda bullshit...
"We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire"
This is addressed to Moop, but also a general audience (Love you like you Moop buddy)

It's my belief that if players were forced out of their comfort zone, and faced competitive Toribash head on in the variety of balanced, fun, and deep mods that we use to judge who is the best (Whether that be Clan League, Clan Siege, Toribash World Championship, dueling, you name it.) you end up with a culture of well-balanced excellent Toribash players. But that belief is held only for people interested in the grand scheme of competition. We have a whole world of Toribash out there, and not everyone is looking to have this game be anything like an E-Sport. I respect that, and I love those players equally!

The problem is, we are trying to make too many people happy. The ranking system, inherently, should be the competition. The E-Sport. The best of the best playing the game in it's most well balanced form with their primary intent being to WIN. Casual players shouldn't expect the ranking system to cater to their audience. If you love to just log on whenever, play a few games in your favorite mod, chill with friends, etc. that's fantastic. I encourage you to do that. Just don't also hope in doing so you'll be recognized as a high ranked Toribash player. That's not fair for anyone.

If you love lenshu3ng, you play Toribash just to play lenshu3ng with it's community, and you want to keep enjoying it- fine. Play lenshu3ng. Join a public hosted room to earn TC playing lenshu3ng among others, or make a private room with friends and play it in a smaller queue. You just can't have your cake and eat it too, playing only lenshu3ng then trying to get the glory that you're "the best lenshu3ng player, and deserve to be mod rank 1" isn't going to fly.

If we have a matchmaking mode, that pairs you against someone of equivalent ELO (or close to) in any random mod of the competitive list, we would still have incentive for players to play in rooms: to practice. If I want to climb the ladder, and I know if I get matched in ABD I'm pretty weak and likely to lose, then I know to practice my ABD in the public, unranked, ABD room.

Not to mention: who actually likes waiting in line only to lose one game and lose ELO over it? Doesn't that make each game that much more frustrating? You lost once, now you're in queue for the next 5-10 minutes reading your Facebook again. Meanwhile the guy who beat you just one time is still playing? Forget it! Having matchmaking take place in a series, like say best of 5, means you get anywhere from 3 to 5 matches guaranteed, straight, against a decent opponent. Your one misclick doesn't ruin your day! We can REALLY see who was the better that time around.

And I'm not buying the "this takes up time" excuse. Whether it's Chess, League of Legends, or Counter Strike, people interested in climbing the rank take on average 30 minutes to change their rank if even a little. Toribash is an extremely quick game, if each match takes 3 to 5 minutes (which is a big if), at quickest your rank changes in 9 minutes, and at longest? 25 minutes. Not a big deal. And that'd be 25 minutes of evenly matched back and forth matches with someone who gives you a tough and fun time.

It's obvious to me that doing a matchmaking mode, among multiple mods, with series does the following:

1) Prevents people who are good at one mod from being extremely high ranked
2) Prevents any type of "Noob Farming", which is what this system and the last system is entirely about.
3) Actively encourages players to play longer sessions and in more competitive atmospheres, which promotes learning.
4) Creates a clear course from new players to go from bad to good, which is pretty important in a game which primary complaint is insanely high learning curve.
5) Stops the disappointment and rage of "just losing one game" and remedies insane queue times.

That's my feelings, and I'm really passionate about it because I really do think it would make Toribash so much better. And I love Toribash :x
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post

And I'm not buying the "this takes up time" excuse. Whether it's Chess, League of Legends, or Counter Strike, people interested in climbing the rank take on average 30 minutes to change their rank if even a little. Toribash is an extremely quick game, if each match takes 3 to 5 minutes (which is a big if), at quickest your rank changes in 9 minutes, and at longest? 25 minutes. Not a big deal. And that'd be 25 minutes of evenly matched back and forth matches with someone who gives you a tough and fun time.

Rarely I would ever agree with something you say, but this whole post is very solid.

An addition to the "time" thing. Players could have an option to "re-play" the same opponent, say up to a max of 3 times. Cuts down the wait and gives the opponent a chance to get revenge. Don't think this could really be exploited for farming either.
can't you still farm in matchmaking?
like, bribe the opponent?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
can't you still farm in matchmaking?
like, bribe the opponent?

Any abuse like that would be extremely easy to track in account history
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
and done

i know that hamps is lazy as fuck, so posting it here

system i came up with just because why the fuck not

matchmaking table, which is used to find apropriate matches

id | playerStatus | nick | ELO_player | timestamp
1 | LookingFor | rapist | 1605 | 13:58
2 | LookingFor | child | 1600 | 14:00
3 | Ranking | scrub | 1650 | 13:58
4 | Finished | noob | 1500 | 14:00

what can be added without increasing complexity:
matchmaking based on finite list of mods

how? by adding new column with mod player selected and adding one more filter for mod selected

anyway, table explanation:

playerStatus is a value that dictates the state of player, if he is looking for match or not
can be 3 values:
LookingFor - means player is looking for match
Ranking - means player is playing ranked match
Finished - means player finished his match or his search for match

and yeah, this thing is called a fl0w chart

okay, so whats going on here?

1) player click multiplayer, he is given option to go ranked or not. if he goes unranked he goes to server browser and just plays as usual
2) player select to play ranked, matchmaking is initialized
3) checking if the player have an entry in matchmaking table ( played ranked match before ) if he didn't, new entry created and neutral ELO is set, if entry exist, continue
4) playerStatus in player's matchmaking entry is changed to LookingFor, ELO_player is retrieved from database and added to entry, current timestamp added
5) checking entries in matchmaking table if there are other players LookingFor, if not found, ask to cancel search, change playerStatus to Finished to exclude his entry from search, if not, wait and check again
6) if players are found, compare ELO, by making and interval of ELO_player +/- 10, filter entries in matchmaking table that fit the interval, if not found, return to cycle and add +/-10 more, each time untill opponents are found
7) from players found select the one with oldest timestamp why? the key priority is speed of matchmaking, therefor it's a deciding criteria
8.) set both players playerStatus to Ranking to exclude their entries from search
9) actual gameplay, can be first to 3 session or just one game, after match is resolved, update each players ELO_player and set their playerStatus to Finished
10) start looking for another opponent

if you want to critique or discuss / optimize it - go here:

ah btw, i still want drhax to be ran over by the truck,

Last edited by snake; Aug 6, 2015 at 02:32 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
I don't think matchmaking or elo restricted or tier restricted would be fair. Like hampa said, it will balance out at some point. Low rank players give small elo, u win 10 and loose 1 and u are still in the same place. Let's wait and see what happens at the end of this month, it might balance out and some better players rise to the top. Also hunting the top 10 is always a good way to get elo. I suggest everybody make alts and hunt zalf. You'll see how he's rank will fall ;)
Pm me for deals