Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
I wondered if you would notice .

Good luck with your script n such

Yay, from that script (which kinda works......a bit), I came up with a new script which actually did work untill I added "if a.injury" commands... Scripts apparently just don't like me when I edit them. And again, nothing mentioned in the stderr.txt...

I actually hope this script works out because I think it would be pretty entertaining in game.

--Move Rater
--By SrgtCorn
--Rates a move based on its impact and damage delt. Also comments on your injuries.

local function pain()
	if b.injury <100 then
		echo("Just Terrible...")
				if b.injury < 5000 then
					echo("Pretty Good!")
							if b.injury > 10000 then
								echo("Nice Hit!")
										if b.injury > 20000 then
											echo("Your A Pro!")
		if a.injury > 100
			echo("Just a flesh wound.")
					if a. injury > 1000
						echo("A bruise maybe.")
								if a.injury < 5000
									echo("You should watch yourself better...")
											if a.injury < 10000
												echo("A few broken bones and maybe some blood loss. Nothing too, too bad.")
														if a.injury < 15000
															echo("You're just F***ed.")


echo("Move Rater 0.1 Beta")
echo("By SrgtCorn")
echo("Rates your moves by damage delt and impact. Also comments on your injuries.")
echo("Warning! Excessive damage at once may overload and crash ToriBash!")
--Move Rater
--By SrgtCornhole
--Rates a move based on its impact and damage delt. Also comments on your injuries.
c,d = 0,0
local function pain()
    local a = get_player_info(0)
    local b = get_player_info(1)
    if(b.injury ~= d and a.injury ~= c) then
    if b.injury - d >5000 and b.injury - d <= 10000 then
        echo("Pretty Good!")
    elseif b.injury >10000 then
        echo("Nice Hit!")
    if a.injury - c > 100 and a.injury - c <= 1000 then
        --echo("A bruise maybe.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 1000 and a.injury - c <= 5000 then
        --echo("Just a flesh wound.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 5000 and a.injury - c <= 10000 then
        echo("Defence is key.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 10000 and a.injury - c <= 15000 then
        echo("A few broken bones and maybe some blood loss. Nothing too, too bad")
    elseif a.injury - c > 15000 then
    c = a.injury
    d = b.injury


echo("Move Rater 0.1 Beta")
echo("By SrgtCornhole")
echo("Rates your moves by damage delt and impact. Also comments on your injuries.")
echo("Warning! Excessive damage at once may overload and crash ToriBash!")
You wanted something like this?
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
--Move Rater
--By SrgtCornhole
--Rates a move based on its impact and damage delt. Also comments on your injuries.
c,d = 0,0
local function pain()
    local a = get_player_info(0)
    local b = get_player_info(1)
    if(b.injury ~= d and a.injury ~= c) then
    if b.injury - d >5000 and b.injury - d <= 10000 then
        echo("Pretty Good!")
    elseif b.injury >10000 then
        echo("Nice Hit!")
    if a.injury - c > 100 and a.injury - c <= 1000 then
        --echo("A bruise maybe.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 1000 and a.injury - c <= 5000 then
        --echo("Just a flesh wound.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 5000 and a.injury - c <= 10000 then
        echo("Defence is key.")
    elseif a.injury - c > 10000 and a.injury - c <= 15000 then
        echo("A few broken bones and maybe some blood loss. Nothing too, too bad")
    elseif a.injury - c > 15000 then
    c = a.injury
    d = b.injury


echo("Move Rater 0.1 Beta")
echo("By SrgtCornhole")
echo("Rates your moves by damage delt and impact. Also comments on your injuries.")
echo("Warning! Excessive damage at once may overload and crash ToriBash!")
You wanted something like this?

You sure like the word cornholed =P

YAY! It works perfectly!
*Shamful sticky bump*

Is this the right setup for a "keydown" function? I left areas that I am not sure of what to put there blank.

local function key_down(key)
		if key ==  then
		? = 

add_hook("key_down"," ",key_down)
Originally Posted by SrgtCorn View Post
*Shamful sticky bump*

Is this the right setup for a "keydown" function? I left areas that I am not sure of what to put there blank.

local function key_down(key)
        if key ==  then
        ? = 

add_hook("key_down"," ",key_down)

local function key_down(key)
        echo("Keycode: " .. key)
        echo("Letter (If applicable): " .. string.char(key))
        if string.byte("a") == key  then
               echo("You pressed a :O")
        elseif string.byte("b") == key then
              echo("You pressed b :O")

add_hook("key_down"," ",key_down)
Me...again, with a new idea!

Is it possible to make a script that automatically posts something for everyone in the server to see in the chat box every X seconds?
That's like a spam bot, and we'll ban you if you use one.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
That's like a spam bot, and we'll ban you if you use one.

I was going to make an expirimental "I am AFK right now." bot that posts a message every couple minutes. People have been practically begging on their knees for something to tell if someone is AFK, so I figured I'd just test with something. But in that case, I'll just think of something else.
I generally just assume that anyone who's spectating and isn't talking is afk.

I personally don't want to encourage people to occupy spots in servers if they're not around for long enough to warrant a bot that spams an afk message for you.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
I generally just assume that anyone who's spectating and isn't talking is afk.

I personally don't want to encourage people to occupy spots in servers if they're not around for long enough to warrant a bot that spams an afk message for you.

I agree and disagree. If an admin of the server takes it as a joke and asks you to stop, but the bot continues, you'd be left with some explaining to do. Screw that idea.

Now that I think about it, an even more practical script would be to modify the current AFK kick script to put a tag next to your name that says "AFK", or to push a button to put "AFK" next to their name. The only problem with this though is that everyone would need to get it to make it work, so it would somehow have to be incorporated in an auto update or something of that sort.

Hmm.... This gives me another idea. I've heard of other people who have made auto type things such as the "rapid emote" script that can put in a command on button push, and I've heard of others who do this for the admin passcode. Maybe if I modify it to do the login function, but with "AFK" already in it, you can just push a button and then go in specs.

EDIT: *sigh* Like always, I make a script, same format as the other. Like always, I change 1 minor thing. Like always, the script won't work. Like always, the stderr says nothing to my advantage.

What's wrong this time?
--Auto AFK
--By SrgtCorn
--Follow the directions for this to work!

local function keydown(key)
	if(key == 267) then
		run_cmd("lo AFKyour_name_here your_password_here") --For this to work right, replace "your_name_here" and "your_password_here"  with your FULL username (tags and all) , space, and then your password. Don't lend this script to someone!
	if(key == 268) then

echo("Auto AFK")
echo("By SrgtCorn")
echo("Press "/" to put on the AFK tag and "*" to go into the spectators. These are on the KEYPAD!") 

add_hook("key_down", "keypressdown", keydown)
Last edited by SrgtCorn; Jul 15, 2008 at 02:37 AM.