Original Post
A New Color is on the Horizon....
This time, we will not be the ones to decide what the new color is, it will be you.
The winning team in this year's Team's League will get to choose the newest color, and have it named after their team.
Sign ups start now.
Last edited by evets; Feb 15, 2010 at 09:54 PM.
pointing out the obvious is that this color is going to get lots of bad... "comments" too
only cos there is no way to please everyone : /
unless... : D

but I think its gonna be revealed not until evening tho cos its still "tomorrow" : |
its a new colour, we got them every month for ages.
unless its like... 2-tone or something, how amazing could it be?
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
we had new colors every month but coloring stuff was off for while.
And when the hell new color will be?
i would like to have sth new
not just one color bla
sth like a mix off void and pure or gold and marine would be aweeesome
Custom color creator? like they did for the flames? o.o probably not that'd be cruel.
off-white-1k <,< WTF

Something like that would happen
Karma officials account.