Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
I still don't know what to get. Shaco or leblanc? I want one that's pretty hard to master, simply because for some reason the harder heroes to use for me if used correctly win games easily for me. :/
I wanna try jungling, but I want a ranged, and I think WW is good already for jungling.
I'm more of an aggro ganker but wants to jungle once every few mins, and I like to destroy turrets the quickest and want to kill heroes knowing I can succeed without much damage or dying :/
which hero is the best for that?

Shaco. You can push like a beast, gank like a beast, but he isn't ranged. If you get blue buff you can spam shivs pretty well though.
i play shaco
i dont jungle
i usually at the begining gank crazy but later on (because i stack attack speed)
i die - the decive is awesome because when u cast it over a wall it can jump more further then the cricle allows you
at the 1st games i did iw as 19/5/10 about

also with the speed i hallucinate myself and the tower dies quite fast

Also Guys im thinking - whic 1 to buy Karma(3150) or Irelia(6300) - i want to keep up my assassinate char
But Karma seems so interesting support
Yeah Powas, I have Mordekaiser, he's awesome.
Doesn't need much skills, but needs a lot of good timing.
Suggest you to ult such guys like Tryndamere after his ult, he's melee and makes more than 700 crit easily. But it's good if you take off assassins, like katarina, yi, xin zhao. Such chars love turrent diving.
And another thing that's very important for Mordekaiser is runes.
Cause if Mord is without any runes, you will simply have a bunch of fail games, and if you have at least all Seal runes, you are really strong against people,mostly guys like yi and xin are afraid of you like death, cause you are a metal death machine that is 40% range.
So yeah, since my main is Tryndamere :

Last edited by Lexx; Mar 28, 2011 at 04:02 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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Just starded to play as Mord but overall I play LoL for more than month.
Trynda is quite a nice char aswell ( sup almost 2k critics ).
Last edited by Powas; Mar 28, 2011 at 04:43 PM.
Well thats not bad.
My record was 3276.
Can't find the screen right now, its like in my 70gigabites pictures folder -.-
But I had 5 infinities and something else. With all crit dmg runes.
It should be the LoL record... In youtube people made over 2,5k dmg and think that it's the record... hmm...
In normal games I usually get up to 1500 crits.(2 infs,2 bloodthirsters,youmuu's ghostblade/phantom dancer and some boots)
Man I love that set.^
You can easily kill the baron with that setup, wont lose any hp, and will have an easy buff.
I've seen shaco kill the baron for 6 and a half seconds... incredible.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Lexx, i once played against a tryned who had flat crit damage runes. He rushed boots and then got a IE and 4 blood thirsters, he crit for 5k on me and insta raped everyone on our team.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
Lexx, i once played against a tryned who had flat crit damage runes. He rushed boots and then got a IE and 4 blood thirsters, he crit for 5k on me and insta raped everyone on our team.

4 bloodthirsters = 400ad
IE = 80ad

So let's say he had around 600 AD at most. 250% crit damage from IE, another 10% from masteries, ~40% from runes.

He is going to crit for 300% damage, and 300% of 600 is 1800. Assuming you had base resistances, I have no idea how he hit you for 5k
Nice. But I cant believe it.
By having
[Infinity edge = +75 atk dmg ; +50% crit dmg]
[The Bloodthirster = +65 atk dmg ; +20% lifesteal(if I'm not mistaken)]
250% + 33,17%(runes) = 283,17% crit dmg
75 + (65 * 4) + 125 = 460 (normal damage.)
460 * (283,17% / 100%) = 1,308(+250 from bloodlust) crit dmg.
So his crit was approx 1,007(+250) ~ 1,508(+250).
If he would have had 2 infinities, his crit would be 470 (normal damage.)
470 * (333.17% / 100%) = 1,566(+250 from bloodlust)
That way he would have approx 1,265(+250) ~ 1,866(+250).
So its like you had -3,500 def... Uh, so yeah, you are good at lying.
Forgot including the masteries... but okay, gave you the approx damage from the things.
Last edited by Lexx; Mar 28, 2011 at 07:03 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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